Better safe than sorry? After a British police officer reported that he’d spotted a mysterious light in the night sky, he promptly decided to investigate the source. After roughly 20 minutes of serious police work, the cop came to a shocking revelation: the light in the sky was nothing more than the moon. Not surprisingly, it hasn’t taken long for worldwide ridicule to ensue.
According to Independent Online News , the story was originally picked up by Police magazine, which brought the cop’s startling encounter with the moon to the masses. In the article, the officer in question didn’t realize his mistake until after he’d told his co-workers that he might require backup.
“While single-crewed on night duty in Worcestershire a PC called up his sergeant letting him know that he was going up into the Clent Hills to investigate a ‘suspicious bright light’ that he could see shining from the other side of the hills,” the magazine revealed. “The call was for safety reasons as he might need back-up once he found the source. Twenty minutes later the PC called his sergeant back to reassure him that everything was ok and that he had found the source of the light.”
Fortunately, the mysterious light was nothing more than the moon hanging out in the heavens. All kidding aside, at least the cop was doing his job. Had the light turned out to be some sort of threat to the fine residents of Worcestershire, the poor guy would have been a hero. Sadly, he’s just the butt of a joke.
According to Yahoo! News , the cop’s encounter with the moon has turned him into a bit of a laughing stock at the precinct. In order to have a laugh at the cop’s expense, his fellow officers have started taping pictures of werewolves to his locker. Here’s hoping the guy has a well-developed sense of humor.