So you love Outlander and would love to know a little bit about what’s going to happen in Season 3? Well, you’ve come to the right place. There’s news about three new characters that fans will see next season. So if you’re looking for spoilers, keep reading.
Well, you probably know that Season 3 of Outlander will be based on the third book in Diana Gabaldon’s series, which is titled Voyager . What you may not know, if you haven’t read the books, is that this means there will be three new characters in the next season of Outlander . Vine Report is saying that when Claire (played by Caitriona Balfe) returns to Jamie (played by Sam Heughan), it will be 20 years later than the last time the lovers were together. A lot happens in 20 years in Outlander , as in life, and that will be reflected in the characters.
The first new Outlander character is connected to Laoghaire MacKenzie (played by Nell Hudson). It looks like we haven’t seen the last of her. Twenty years later, she’s still making herself known. In the next season of Outlander , we will meet her daughter. Her name is Marsali, and she will be on a ship on which Claire and Jamie travel. The books describe her as a pretty 15-year-old. Her initial reaction to Claire isn’t a good one, but later in the Voyager season of Outlander , she will come to like her. In the books, Marsali comes to view Claire as a sort of second mother. She also marries Fergus (who will be 20 years older this season)! Fans of the Outlander TV series would love to see that!
Also joining Outlander for Season 3 is a Chinese character by the name of Yi Tien Cho, a scholar who travels to Edinburgh as a stowaway after being exiled from the government of Imperial China. The International Business Times reports that Jamie will discover him on the docks of Edinburgh. In the Outlander books, Jamie gives him a new name, Mr. Willoughby. He joins Jamie and Claire on their Carribean voyage.
That’s two new Outlander characters. So who’s the third? This one is possibly the most exciting of the three. Remember the “Je Suis Priest” episode from last year? That’s the one where Jamie trains his militia for battle. It’s also the Outlander episode where a young British soldier tries to kill Jamie because he thinks Claire is with Jamie against her will. He failed and was not killed by Jamie’s men only because Claire intervened. But we had an idea his return to Outlander was imminent as he promised that, given the chance, he would kill Jamie. Grey was 16-years-old then. When Claire returns in the next season of Outlander , he is 36-year-old Lord John Grey. This could get interesting.
Season 3 of Outlander has already begun shooting, and production designer Jon Gary Steele has been teasing the new episodes on Instagram. There’s this one.
While we’re not sure exactly what this Outlander prop is, many who have read the books believe it’s in Ardsmuir prison. In the book, Jamie ends up at Ardmuir, which is run by Lord John Grey. The two develop a friendship.
By the looks of the Outlander set that Steele is sharing, there will be battles in Season 3. Take a look.
Unfortunately, we don’t have the one piece of news that Outlander fans want so badly to hear. We don’t yet know the date of the Season 3 premiere. Not the exact date anyway. We do know that we have quite a wait ahead of us, as Voyager won’t show up on Starz until sometime in 2017. Well, at least some of the Outlander cast and crew have begun leaking some photos. Those will just have to hold us over until the official announcement.
Until then, enjoy these interviews with Outlander’s Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe.
[Image via Starz]