Republican nominee for president of the United States Donald Trump continues to trail Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, according to a Reuters /Ipsos poll that was released on Friday afternoon by Reuters . The poll, which was conducted from August 7 to August 11 and included 1,446 registered voters and 1,116 likely voters, had a margin of error of three percentage points.
“Democrat Hillary Clinton led Republican Donald Trump by more than 5 percentage points in the Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll released on Friday, little changed in weeks as the U.S. presidential campaign wobbles into the heart of summer. Since July 28, Clinton’s daily support among likely voters in the poll has hovered between a low of 41 and a high of 44 percentage points. She was at 41 percentage points on Thursday, down slightly this week. Trump’s support has moved slightly more, ranging from a low of 33 percentage points to a high of 39 points. He was at 36 points on Thursday, up slightly this week.”
Clinton’s current lead of five percentage points is greater than the margin of error of three percentage points, so she should be considered ahead at this point. As the Inquisitr recently reported, Clinton led Trump by three points in a Reuters /Ipsos poll that was conducted from July 31 to August 4. Since the margin of error was three percentage points, both candidates were considered even.
Clinton surging ahead of Trump in battleground states, poll shows
— TIME (@TIME) August 12, 2016
While Trump pulled ahead in a Reuters /Ipsos poll that was taken right after the Republican National Convention, it was only proven to be a temporary boost. Both candidates saw an increase in the polls after their respective conventions, but it appears as though things have finally settled, with Clinton being more popular among potential voters than Trump.
With the election now less than three months away, Trump is going to have to start focusing on the issues if he has any hope of becoming the next president of the United States. While Trump should be focusing on addressing important topics, including health care and the economy, he is instead engaging in puzzling arguments and making outlandish claims.
As CNN reported, Trump stated that President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were the “co-founders” of ISIS. Trump took to Twitter to defend himself and claim that he was being sarcastic, but he is getting into a bad habit of making bizarre claims that could potentially be turning away a lot of undecided voters.
In addition to his latest fiasco, Trump is also still attempting to recover from his recent feud with Khizr Khan, the father of a Muslim-American solider who lost his life in Iraq. Khan attacked Trump on stage at the Democratic National Convention, and he questioned his sacrifices. Instead of simply ignoring Khan, Trump spent the next few days responding to his comments and engaging in a verbal war of words. Regardless of who was right, Trump lost valuable time where he could have been addressing issues or attacking Clinton’s questionable policies and history.
@NYpost : Latino support for Donald Trump at 40% in New York: poll via @nypmetro
— Political Polls (@PpollingNumbers) August 14, 2016
While Trump continues to involve himself in numerous controversies, he is actually gaining support among Latino voters in the state of New York, as the New York Post reports.
“A new poll pegs support for Trump at 40 percent among Latino registered voters in the Empire State.”
In the new poll, Trump still trails Clinton by 14 points in his home state of New York, but it is surprising that he has that much support among Latino voters. Due to his past comments regarding illegal immigrants, many minorities feel as though Trump is a racist and a bigot. Trump has clarified numerous times that he only means illegal immigrants, but it is just another instance where he has said something questionable that has come back to hurt him.
With only a few more months to go until November’s election, the polls between Republican nominee for president of the United States Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton are going to continue to be interesting. If Trump continues to engage in personal attacks and ignore the issues, Clinton could win by a wide margin.
[Photo by Jeff Swensen/Getty Images]