There’s no better way to say “we don’t like you and wish you would have stayed home,” than with a welcome basket.
This week’s UN General Assembly means that all sorts of colorful characters are in town, with New York City playing host to world leaders and despots alike. World figures are getting cozy in their posh hotel rooms, and though many are probably busy opening gifts from supporters, the gift from the New York Post to Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the only one that really matters.
The Post , looking forward to Ahmadinejad’s “annual hate-spewing address,” threw together a little welcome basket for the Iranian leader … a special Jewish-themed welcome basket, that is.
Yes, it was Jewish-themed and sent to Ahmadinejad on purpose. This was no mix-up.
For those of you late to the table, Ahmadinejad is beyond a mere casual distaste for the Jews. He’s in full-on “ the Holocaust never happened ” and “ wipe Israel off the map ” Jew-hating mode. In fact, I believe I just summarized his UN speech this week.
In any case, the Post ‘s Jewish goodie-basket contains Gold’s Borscht, off-Broadway tickets (to Old Jews Telling Jokes), a Holocaust museum brochure, and a card signed by New Yorkers, reports Newser .
Further, the basket contains a few things to help Ahmadinejad “(pronounced: I’m a dinner jacket),” according to the Post , stay fresh during his hate-filled UN speech. “ Anticipating the schlumpy, unshaven dictator’s penchant for wearing the same suit all week long, we thoughtfully included ‘I ? NY’ undies and a stick of Irish Spring deodorant, to keep the flies away.”
The only spot of bad news? Ahmadinejad’s reps turned the basket away before he got a chance to see it. Boooooooo.