Back-to-school clothes — how do you manage your child’s back to school clothes?
As the summer months continue to pass by as quickly as they arrive, parents and children gradually become more and more aware of the need for back-to-school shopping . Along with the seemingly never-ending collection of school supplies that need to be purchased, buying school clothes is another important item to eventually check off of the standard to-do list before school starts.
14 Tips to Save Money on Back to School Supplies & Shopping List
— Rebecca Mitchell (@rebeccamitchell) July 17, 2016
Perhaps the most exhausting part during the school year for many parents, though, is managing and maintaining their children’s school clothes week after week. If you are a parent, how do you (or did you) stay on top of organizing your child’s school clothes and outfits day after day? Some parents may say that they put together school clothes and outfits every night before their children went to sleep. Others may say that they helped their children put their school outfits together first thing in the morning before they got on the bus.
However, a viral pic that recently resurfaced on Facebook emphasizes the concept of organizing school clothes and planned school outfits weekly instead of on a day-to-day basis.
The viral photo of a noteworthy school clothes system was initially posted on the “My 101.7” Facebook page last August.
“To make my life WAY easier for school! Monday-Friday School Outfits + a place to put their shoes & backpack!”
As seen in the photo, a collection of stacked storage bins were used to manage the weekly school clothes and outfits for two children — apparently a boy and a girl.
Each column consists of six different bins — one for each school day, and another specifically for shoes. On top of the stacked bins were each child’s respective book bags. This organized system would essentially reduce the time needed for the kids to get dressed in the morning for school, because they would simply open the corresponding bin (depending on the day) and get their shoes out of the bottom bin.
Based on the comments posted to the photo on Facebook, this viral picture of a school clothes system using labeled storage bins sparked quite a few conversations and mixed reactions on social media.
Some people simply did not like the idea at all and did not feel as if this type of organizational system for school clothes was necessary.
- Steven McElderry: “Or you could teach your kids to pick out their clothes the night before, God forbid they would have to do something on their own and oh I don’t know learn some sort of responsibility.”
- Terry Saucier : “Unless your kid is on preschool or you are an idiot and haven’t taught your kid how to dress themselves… Was getting ready for school on my own since first grade.”
- Jennifer Krois: “This would not help me – costs money, takes up space, it’s easier to open a closet door and sock drawer. No thank u!!!!”
Others did not feel as if it would work for their families or were satisfied with the processes that they were already using — such as allowing their children to pick out their own clothes in advance, choosing outfits every night for the following day or even using hangers to organize the clothing.
- Tammy Jean: “Nice concept, but I find it easy to just take their outfits out of the closet the night before and hang on each child’s bedroom doorknob.”
- Judith Nagle: “I hang everything on a hanger. Kids grab a hanger of their choice and get dressed. Shoes are in their closet and socks [are] in their dresser. Done.”
A substantial number of parents of children that wear uniforms to school every day expressed how this particular system would not work for them. Several mothers, such as Julie Riddle Andreen, expressed how even students that wear uniforms could still benefit from this type of system.
“Not sure why people think this wouldn’t work for uniforms. My daughter wears one, but every day we still have to decide the color and sleeve length along with deciding on pants, shorts, a dress or a skirt. And of course shoes!”
Even though there were a lot of negative comments about the school clothes system in the viral pic, the vast majority of the comments were positive. There were even some people that defended the picture against the people that talked bad about the concept. One of the most popular comments on Facebook was left by Juliet Tafaro.
“I think this is a great idea. I don’t get why people are bashing it, pretty much saying parents are lazy and should get up earlier. Hint some parents work just as early as there kids go off to school, so why not make lives a little easier by doing this. If you really think about it it does save time. You don’t have to go to your closet think about what you want to wear, and have it take forever. You can just go to the drawer and the outfit it there. All that time you spend searching for an outfit you can now use doing other things. Saves time. So don’t bash it.”
Most teenagers and high school-aged students are able to manage their own clothes — washing, drying, folding, organizing and even buying in some cases. However, what about the younger children that need a lot more supervision and assistance in this regard?
The concept of allowing the typical elementary school child to handle their own school clothes without any supervision or oversight from parents may seem like a parent’s worst nightmare!
Staying on top of that in addition to the extensive list of other responsibilities that the average parent has within his or her household may seem like the straw that broke the camel’s back. Having some sort of organizational system in place — such as the school clothes bin system featured in this viral pic — could very well relieve a substantial amount of that weighty burden.
[Image via My 101.7/Facebook]