WWE’s Cruiserweight Classic has been very exciting to watch for all WWE fans who currently have the WWE Network. If you’re not watching it, you certainly need to be doing so each and every Wednesday as it follows WWE NXT. Some of the best wrestlers 205 pounds and under have been part of this tournament, and it seems like the world took notice right away. WWE saw the love for the CWC and decided to bring back the Cruiserweight Division.
It will be part of WWE RAW each and every week. Due to the fact that WWE is bringing the division to television, they clearly have to bring in talent to be part of it. While WWE does have the likes of Sami Zayn on the RAW roster to help, among others….many are billed over 205 pounds. While it is well known that WWE inflates weight for talent and has for decades, they can’t just call Sami 220 pounds one week and 205 the next. Unless losing 15 pounds in a week can happen that easily without risking one’s health.
WWE sees the talent in the CWC and has decided to go after a large number of them. It was already known that Tajiri was offered a deal, which he accepted. PWTorch claimed that Kota Ibushi and Gran Metalik were offered deals as well. They are not the only ones as WWE was rumored to have also offered contracts to Akira Tozawa, Lince Dorado, and Cedric Alexander, according to The Wrestling Observer .
It is rumored that WWE is eyeing many more in the tournament, but some may end up going to WWE NXT and not the main roster. Clearly with the mass exodus of several people out of the NXT brand, WWE has to be careful about who they let go to the main roster over NXT. There are names like Zack Sabre, Jr., who most believe will be signed by WWE, but he may have a better career opportunity if he works with NXT before he hits the main roster. The same can be said for TJ Perkins and Mustafa Ali if WWE plans to sign them as they should.
Names that are well known around the world already like Ibushi could easily transition to the main roster simply because he has the name recognition to go anywhere in the world and be accepted by the hardcore fans.The casual fans who don’t know him will end up loving him almost immediately as well. That being said, people like Tozawa and Alexander fall under this same situation, up to a point.
They aren’t as well known as Ibushi, but they have an excellent skill-set, and their wrestling ability is considered to be up there with some of the best on the planet. Unlike the two Japanese men listed, Alexander is from the United States and has a good ability to work on the microphone. WWE may have someone like Ibushi lead the division as far as wrestling goes, but Alexander may be the one WWE puts a lot of faith in simply because of his skill-set plus his mic work.
Others could certainly join the division, but as of now, these are the few who WWE feels are ready for prime time if you will. The theory is that WWE might sign former stars to help fill the role, similar to what they have done with Tajiri. That means the likes of Brian Kendrick may get the chance to go to RAWeach week to help the division as well. WWE could give us a mix of old and new in the division.
This makes a lot of sense considering the fact that WWE was already weighing the idea of bringing back past stars. They’re now just bringing back the smaller type, which may have been overlooked when they planned to bring people back initially. WWE probably thought they would bring in a Cruiserweight division eventually, but with the wild success of the CWC, they felt now was the time to do so.
We can probably expect the division to get fully started once the CWC winner is crowned. It is unknown who will be in the final match as of now, but we can assume the winner will get the new WWE Cruiserweight Title along with a trophy of some kind for winning the tournament. As of now, the favorite is said to be Kota Ibushi.
[image via WWE]