Hillary Clinton’s latest problem? #Demexit.
Outraged over the Democratic Party’s abandonment of progressive values and their seemingly undemocratic selection (anointment?) of Hillary Clinton as the presumptive nominee, progressive democrats are contemplating exiting the party once and for all. Rather than help elect Clinton, who is viewed as essentially dishonest , untrustworthy, and warmongering by a large section of Americans, these registered Democrats would prefer voting for third-party candidates like Jill Stein or Libertarian Gary Johnson.
Coming on the back of Bernie Sanders’ endorsement of Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, the mass exodus could seriously dent Clinton’s chances in the presidential race. While several Democrats were left upset with the Vermont senator’s untimely endorsement of Clinton, especially after he had promised a floor fight at the convention, a majority of progressives believe that the real reason that Sanders lost the Democratic race was because Clinton — darling of the party’s establishment — was given unfair advantage during the primary season.
For Sanders’ supporters, the 2016 Democratic race was mired in one controversy after the other. Allegations against DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz setting up televised debates on questionable dates reportedly to suit Clinton had started doing the rounds even before the primary season began, which were later followed by nationwide allegations of election fraud and voter purges that almost exclusively benefited the former secretary of state.
Moreover, recent document revelations by a Romania-based hacker, Guccifer 2.0, which showed that the Democratic Party had chosen Hillary Clinton even before Bernie’s campaign had hit full stride, gives further evidence to the accusations that the Democratic Party was not wholly democratic in its selection of Clinton as the presidential candidate.
Now #Demexit, a campaign that borrows its terminology from Britain’s exit from the European Union, or Brexit, is spreading like wildfire in pro-Bernie circles, and it has already started trending on social media.
The mass corruption in the Dem party starting with the president is beyond belief. THANK YOU BERNIE FOR EXPOSING IT! pic.twitter.com/UsgCrd6nSs
— Sara Cohen (@saracohennyc) July 14, 2016
Recent reports also show that millennials, who were Bernie Sanders’ strongest supporters during the primary campaign, are not averse to leaving the Democratic Party in numbers. As the Inquisitr reported yesterday, young Democrats are not buying into “lesser of two evils theory,” and with a large section of them already having made it clear that they wouldn’t vote for Donald Trump under any circumstances, it appears #Demexit is their logical next step.
According to data and local discussion on Yik Yak, a location-based social network, nearly half of Sanders’ millennial supporters would vote third-party in the general election, reports the Hill .
#demexit #dncfraud #dnchack pic.twitter.com/CXYwNQN532
— #FreeAssange (@Politifarts) July 6, 2016
Apart from Hillary Clinton’s nomination, progressive Democrats are also upset by the party’s seeming abandonment of its progressive principles , as reported by Fire Brand Left . According to the report, progressive Democrats have found themselves repeatedly at odds with the party establishment over the last year and are now prepared to finally ditch the party in hopes that the future of the American political system would see a breakaway from the traditional, and mostly crushing, two-party system.
“Progressive democrats questioned the integrity of their former progressive heroes, Democratic Party rock stars like President Obama, Elizabeth Warren, Barbara Boxer, and countless others, who apparently abandoned their progressive values and grabbed hold of the party line in the hopes of getting their long-time colleague, Hillary Clinton, into office… however ultimately unelectable she might seem to many.”
Considering all these factors, it is not surprising that a number of progressive Democrats feel that #Demexit is the only possible recourse left available to them. While a third party win for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson may still be a far-fetched dream considering America’s current political climate, it is not something that would bother progressives too much.
Because if that was the case, they wouldn’t have rallied behind Bernie Sanders in the first place.
[Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images]