Hillary Clinton tried some tough talk against Donald Trump Thursday, and as a result, the Donald has taken his gloves off. He’s mentioned the unmentionable and now people are talking even more about the FBI investigation. Trump also dared to use the word “jail” in connection with Hillary’s email security breach.
Bernie Sanders has run a clean issue-driven campaign against the former first lady. He has been civil. He has never attacked the woman beside him on the debate stage in any sort of personal way. The worst he’s done is question her judgment on various issues.
Now, Donald Trump has engaged Hillary Clinton in a way Bernie Sanders never would. Even The Donald hasn’t pulled out the big guns until last Thursday when he blurted it all out. He’s been amazingly tactful. He hasn’t gloated about her imminent indictment or accused her of crimes until now. However, after Hillary attacked him on foreign policy in a speech last week, he finally said what few have dared say publicly, according to Politico .
“Hillary Clinton has to go to jail. She has to go to jail. I said that… ‘She’s guilty as hell.’ ”
While Bernie Sanders hasn’t said it, Donald Trump isn’t alone in his opinion that Hillary should go to jail. A lot of experts have been expressing the same sentiments to anyone who will listen.
Hillary Clinton is in serious trouble with the FBI, but mainstream media, political parties, and candidates have been trying to just ignore that and go on with politics as usual. Bernie Sanders doesn’t bring it up, preferring to talk about poverty in America, how to fix the economy, and things that can be done in the future to help Americans recover from income inequality. Yet, according to this memo to the President published on Global Research , and signed by 14 US Intelligence veterans , Hillary has committed real crimes and must be punished.
“So the question is not whether Secretary Clinton broke the law. She did. If the laws are to be equally applied, she should face the same kind of consequences as others who have been found, often on the basis of much less convincing evidence, guilty of similar behavior. Secretary Clinton’ case invites comparison with what happened to former CIA case officer Jeffrey Sterling, now serving a three-and-a-half-year prison term for allegedly leaking information to New York Times journalist James Risen.”
Hillary Clinton must be indicted, according to General Jerry Boykin, former Undersecretary of Defense Intelligence. Boykin told Breitbart in an interview on Saturday the same thing Donald Trump told the people at his rally on Thursday. What Hillary has done is punishable by jail time, and she must be punished .
“What Hillary Clinton has done, I can tell you, it is … punishable by jail time. I think ultimately she’s going be indicted. She has to be. This cannot stand… The lives that have been endangered – look, most people think that are sources are compromised by spies. No. Our sources can be compromised by the mishandling of classified information that gives … China and Russia and even North Korea access through cyber attacks to the names of the people that are helping us and the sources and methods that we’re using to get that intelligence. People can be killed as a result of that!”
Bernie Sanders had many opportunities to attack Clinton on the debate stage, in his rallies, and on other occasions. Not only has he made light of her email situation, he has refrained from mentioning various mistakes made in Libya and Syria. He doesn’t call her a war hawk or really engage her on her foreign policy or contrast her neo-liberal ideology with his democratic socialist one in a way that people can truly appreciate what it means to be a neo-liberal. He explains about socialism but has not expounded upon what is wrong with neoliberalism, at least not by name, even though his own ideology was being attacked.
Bernie Sanders supporter and enthusiastic campaigner, Susan Sarandon has no such reservations about calling out Mrs. Clinton about her alleged hawkishness. She explained on The Young Turks , and in many recent appearances, why she feels Hillary Clinton is far more dangerous than Donald Trump, especially on foreign policy. The Independent quoted Ms. Sarandon’s Young Turks appearance.
“She did not learn from Iraq, and she is an interventionist, and she has done horrible things … and very callously. I don’t know if she is overcompensating or what her trip is. I think we’ll be in Iran in two seconds.”
Bernie Sanders was too dignified to attack Hillary Clinton, but Donald Trump will speak out.
[Photo by Justin Sullivan and Joe Raedle/Getty Images]