Anonymous, the infamous group of “hacktivists,” are now demanding an official investigation on the mother whose son fell 12 feet in the gorilla enclosure, Saturday morning at the Cincinnati Zoo . In the video, a man appears in the customary black robe, wearing a Guy Fawkes mask, reading from papers blaming the zoo and the child’s mother for the incredible tragedy.
“Dear citizens of the world, as you may have heard an endangered silverback gorilla, Harambe, was killed this week after a woman, Michelle Gregg, neglected to supervise her children… At this point, Mrs. Gregg’s parenting skills disappeared, as she failed to supervise her child or become involved with him.”
The group who calls themselves, “Anonymous Ohio” uploaded a video to Facebook calling #opHarambe into full effect. The larger Anonymous collective has not responded or commented on the video. Anonymous Ohio gives out the address and phone number of the mother’s place of work, demanding an investigation into her parenting. Now, thousands have immediate access to the mother.
The group even suggests the involvement of Child Protective Services. Anonymous also believes the Cincinnati zoo mom is in violation of the Endangered Species Act . Anonymous makes it clear that they do not agree or condone the racist attacks against the African American mother and those who continue racist sentiments “will be held accountable.”
Anonymous hackers attack Cincinnati Zoo for shooting dead Harambe the gorilla
— Daily Mirror (@DailyMirror) June 1, 2016
“We feel that the zoo may not have taken every possible and necessary precaution to prevent this sort of accident from happening, nor may they have used all possible alternatives in keeping the endangered animal alive while rescuing the child.”
Many are now targeting the boy’s parents after the endangered silverback gorilla, Harambe, was shot to death by zoo officials after falling into the gorilla enclosure , according to UPROXX .
Anonymous demands answers on how the boy managed to get into the enclosure in the first place. Experts have said there are usually three barriers which typically surround the gorilla enclosure at the zoo.
“Harambe rushed to the child’s aid. As people screamed in fear for the child’s life, Harambe sheltered the child and looked at the bystanders with fear in his eyes. He drug the child to a corner and protected the child, exactly as gorillas do in the wild with their offspring. Harambe showed no sign of aggression.”
Since the shooting of Harambe, many have been in conflict on social media, attempting to find answers and place accountability. Some feel losing a child at the zoo can happen to anyone, while others are incredibly furious the mother failed to supervise her own son. Now, the mother, due to her inaction while in the situation, has been heavily criticized and has received numerous death threats .
“We do not see Michelle Gregg as a fit parent. We are calling on an investigation of Michelle Gregg and the zoo. We believe she should be charged in the death of an endangered animal.”
‘Anonymous Ohio’ demands an investigation of the mom in the Cincinnati Zoo controversy
— UPROXX (@UPROXX) June 2, 2016
Anonymous, formed in 2003, is liberal group of “hacktivists.” In November 2015, after the Paris attacks, Anonymous bluntly declared war on ISIS . Anonymous has always been known for its unusual tactics of “retaliation,” which are always motivated by social justice or seen as a reaction against censorship of any kind.
“We are encouraging every able-bodied person watching this video to participate. #OpHarambe engage.”
The video displayed Harambe, a 400-pound gorilla, dashing through the enclosure at lightning speed while yanking the boy along by his ankle. Eyewitnesses have reported the animal was simply protecting the boy and became confused and panicked by hysterical onlookers who screamed in horror from the top enclosure. The Anonymous Ohio representative reports:
“Zoo employees shot Harambe dead instead of using any other means to rescue the child.”
Zoologist, Jack Hanna Confirms The Cincinnati Zoo’s Decision Was Just
Famed zoologist Jack Hanna defends the Cincinnati Zoo’s decision to shoot Harambe to protect the four-year-old boy. Hanna states:
“They made the correct decision. Matter of fact, it’s a millisecond decision. All of us are sorry. We’re all, in the zoo world, heartfelt for this whole thing but thank goodness a human being is alive today because of the decision that the zoo made. You hear the screaming going on. Watch that gorilla’s response … he hears the response, you can see from the face now he’s alarmed…I know that dart hits the animal… it’s like a shot but he jumps like this. What would happen if he had a hold of that little boy?”
Mother Will Not Be Charged In Cincinnati Gorilla Shooting, Investigation Called Off
Cincinnati website stated that, according to a source close to the investigation, police have decided to wrap up the investigation of this tragedy with no recommendations of charges being held against the mother.
Is Anonymous Ohio completely justified, or taking it a bit too far? Leave your thoughts below!
[Photo by Adam Berry/Stringer/ Getty Images]