Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard, real-life couple and stars of the recent comedy Hit & Run , found nude extras for their film in a most unusual place: Craigslist. Because, if there’s one thing you’re going to find on Craigslist, it’s people who aren’t afraid to get naked. According US Weekly , the couple spent a fair amount of time tooling around the popular website in search of folks with a propensity for disrobing in front of the camera.
When asked by Today Show co-hosts Hoda Kotb and Kathie Lee Gifford about the rumor, Bell was quick to fess up. “We did find them on Craigslist,” the actress said. “That’s not a joke.”
According to Bell, the scene in question finds the happy couple entering a hotel room filled with people in their birthday suits.
“Everybody knew what was happening, but I’m gonna be honest: You can’t really prepare for a scene like that. And Dax didn’t let anybody see anything before we actually shot,” Bell explained. “So when Bradley Cooper, Joy Bryant and Ryan Hansen entered, that really was the shock on their face.”
The extras, meanwhile, reportedly didn’t have much trouble getting down to business. As Bell explained:
“They got there, they were excited, happy to disrobe, and they just hung out. I mean, it was so life-affirming! They were casual. Like I’m going to make it weird? No.”
Hit & Run , which was written and co-directed by Dax Shepard, allowed the pair to spend more time together. Since their schedules often send them off to different parts of the country, the opportunity to work together was clearly exciting for Bell.
“We actually enjoy spending time together,” Bell explained on the popular morning chat program. “Our shooting schedules take us to different cities and they separate us for 15 hours a day. When he shoots ‘Parenthood’, I shoot ‘House of Lies,’ so to have an excuse to shoot together and work together was a real treat.”
Finding naked people on Craigslist may not sound like a good time to many folks, but apparently it’s just another day at work for Kristen Bell and Dax Shapard. Hit & Run is currently in theaters.