John McCain is thrilled about Mitt Romney’s running mate choice, calling Paul Ryan an “excellent choice,” just like his pick of Sarah Palin four years ago.
McCain was interviewed on “Fox News Sunday,” where he voiced his approval of Ryan, as well as taking a stroll down memory lane, reminiscing on his own campaign four years ago, reports The Huffington Post .
McCain explained how choosing a vice presidential running mate can provide a boost in battleground states. He also took the time to mention his satisfaction at choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate in the 2008 campaign. McCain stated:
“First of all, the selection is made as to who will best help you get nominated and who you believe is best suited for the role of vice president of the United States. At that time — I’m still proud of my running mate. I’m proud of Sarah and her family and I’m proud of the work that we did.”
John McCain added that:
“Many people thought that other people who were being considered might bring home those states into the Romney column. I think this is a pretty bold choice as well. And I think it’s a good matchup because of Paul Ryan’s ability to carry a Romney agenda through the Congress of the United States, and his intimate knowledge of the budget.”
CNN reports that McCain believes Ryan will be perfect in assisting Romney with our nation’s economic problems, because of his extensive background on the House Budget Committee. McCain also believes that Ryan’s experience on Capitol Hill is a perfect balance to Romney’s lack of experience as a Washington insider, adding that, “I think it’s a good matchup because of Paul Ryan’s ability to carry a Romney agenda through the Congress of the United States.”
On the issues of the economy and budget, John McCain stated that, “There’s nobody that knows these issues better than Paul Ryan.”
[Image from Wikimedia Commons ]