The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season finale aired on April 12, and it showcased the fight between Lisa Vanderpump and Lisa Rinna over the Munchausen’s syndrome debate. According to Twitter , there were a few deleted scenes (not available to see yet) that changed the whole show. Of course, the series can’t show everything because there is only one hour to air often days of footage (45 minutes after commercials).
After returning from Dubai, Kyle Richards had lunch with Lisa Rinna. Lisa’s scene with Kim Richards was much more intense than Bravo showed. Kathryn Edwards was forced to stand up for Lisa Vanderpump after Eileen Davidson wouldn’t stop trashing her at Kyle’s party.
‘The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’: Divorced from reality
— TubularTV (@TubularTV) April 15, 2016
The deleted scene with Kyle and Rinna is particularly interesting because it highlights that Richards is not loyal to any one person. After the accusation of being Vanderpump’s cheerleader, this scene proved she and Rinna were on good terms following the Dubai trip. It seems strange to many RHOBH fans that Kyle could be friendly with Rinna after her strong comments about her sister. However, Kyle has tried to be a friend to all, and this scene proved it.
The scene with Lisa Rinna and Kim Richards was not as it appeared on Tuesday night’s season finale. Apparently, Rinna mocked her and basically told her that she was better than her because she is in a better place than Kim. It showed what a mean girl Rinna can be and demonstrated her deep-seeded hatred for Richards.
In the aired scene, there was some of this type of attitude showed. Rinna asked Eileen Davidson why Kim was present at the party, and they gasped as she walked in to mingle with other guests. Kim is Kyle’s sister, so, of course, she would want to invite her to the party.
Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills’ Lisa Rinna Dissects The Munchausen Mishap…Again –
— Dawn Diaries (@TheDawnDiaries) April 15, 2016
In Kyle’s Bravo blog , she explained that she can see where her sister felt that Rinna was being rude to her. In all honesty, Kyle explained that Lisa and Kim will never see eye-to-eye and will never be able to be friendly with each other.
“Having a party where so many people are at odds is always risky. It felt like there were so many conversations at my party without any resolution. Watching Rinna and Kim’s conversation, I can see where Kim felt Rinna was patronizing her. I don’t see Kim and Rinna ever being friends, and I think it’s best honestly.”
The last deleted scene was at Kyle’s party when everyone was getting ready to leave, and drama erupts again. Lisa Rinna and Eileen Davidson started attacking Lisa Vanderpump, debating if it was her behind the Munchausen’s syndrome rumors. At one point, Eileen was fiercely attacking Vanderpump, and Kathryn Edwards sternly told them to knock it off because it was becoming uncomfortable for everyone around them. Eileen and Lisa R. left the party angry after they were cut off and unable to speak their mind.
The deleted scenes paint a different picture than the one Bravo fans saw on the season finale of RHOBH . In the deleted scenes, you can understand why Kim Richards reacted the way she did to Lisa Rinna and learned why Lisa Vanderpump left the party so quickly.
Voice your opinion about the RHOBH deleted scenes in the comments section below, and come back later for more juicy spoilers, news, and updates.
[Photo by Angela Weiss/Getty Images for Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation]