Drama has always been at the forefront of the Real Housewives franchise. While past seasons have included some fairly high-stakes drama, the cast of Bravo’s newest series, the Real Housewives of Dallas , claims that their season will be the wildest yet. Will the new series live up to the hype?
According to Radar Online , the cast of the Real Housewives of Dallas includes the likes of Stephanie Hollman , Cary Deuber, and Brandi Redmond. In discussing the upcoming premiere of the show, all three women shared a little bit about what makes their show different from the others in the hit franchise.
“When you put five dynamic women together, you’re going to have drama and fights,” Deuber stated. “I stand my ground and I speak the truth.”
For her part, Redmond revealed that she likes to infuse some humor into her life. Unfortunately, her attempts at fun don’t always go as planned.
“I try to bring a sense of humor into most situations,” Redmond shared. “Sometimes it rubs people the wrong way. You’ll see that behavior happen on the show.”
While Redmond and Deuber appeared more than confident in themselves, Hollman admitted that co-star LeeAnne Locken can be intimidating at times.
“She intimidates the crap out of me,” Hollman stated.
Unfortunately, fans will have to wait to see what kind of drama unfolds between the women of the Real Housewives of Dallas. However, considering how none of the cast members knew they were part of the Real Housewivesfranchise when filming began, this very well might be the wildest season yet.
According to Star Telegram , producers filmed the entire season of the new show without anybody knowing it was part of Bravo’s Real Housewives franchise. Incredibly, the cast thought that they were simply filming a show about the lives of women in Dallas who were actively involved in charities.
Despite the secrecy, Deuber revealed that she had a feeling they were being misled, though she had no idea that she was actually going to be a Housewife.
“I felt it, but the show was not called that,” Deuber stated. “Pretty much the whole season that we filmed, we did not know what it really was.”
In the end, Hollman added that it was probably a good thing that none of them knew what was really going on. After all, being a part of Bravo’s Real Housewives franchise is not the most stress-free experience.
“For me, it was a blessing,” she said. “I’ve traveled the world 10 times over. Whenever I tell people I’m from Texas, no matter where I am, they know Texas. But I think this show is going to put the city of Dallas on the map in a really cool and different way.”
Meanwhile, the Dallas Observer is reporting that the drama between the women might focus on Tiffany Hendra’squestionable past in pornography. As fans are already aware, Hendra used to work as a pornographic actress, though Hendra denies that she actually did porn.
“How many boobs do we see now? We see more nudity in Game of Thrones . It was in my contract that it could only be waist up. It’s a part of my journey and I don’t regret it,” Hendra told the outlet. “And it was before she even met her husband,” Locken added.
As far as infighting goes, it will be interesting to see which ladies become friends and which ones enemies. So far, it appears as though Locken and Hendra are close, while Hollman, Deuber, and Redmond have bonded together. Although they all appear cordial with each other on the outside, it won’t take long before things heat up.
Real Housewives of Dallas is set to premiere on April 11 on Bravo, check out a preview below and let us know what you think in the comments.
[Image via Bravo]