As explained in the surprisingly detailed video below, Pizza Hut has launched a new app to make procuring junk food from where you sit even easier.
The free app is pretty comprehensive, allowing for detailed customization of orders. It also cleverly uses the phone’s touch screen interface to add tactile components to your pizza ordering such as manually resizing pizzas, drag and drop toppings and a function in which you shake the phone to sauce your wings. From Pizza Hut’s press release:
The pizza ordering section allows consumers to virtually build their own pizza by choosing a type of crust in the scroll wheel, “pinching” to select size, and dragging-and-dropping toppings onto the pizza, all with visual confirmation. If an overeager pizza customer adds too many toppings, the pizza explodes and toppings go flying across the screen with an alert to make their pizza happier with fewer toppings. Toppings are easily deleted by clicking them in a generated text list. To customize for half and half, users tilt the phone left or right and the toppings move to one side or the other. When finished, the user sees a visual representation of what their pizza will look like.
Functions for the all three menus (wings, pasta, pizza) are similarly interactive, and while it’s certainly a bit on the “cute” side, I have to give points for creativity here. There’s even a virtual fridge with coupons available to you at your local Pizza Hut.
It might be a nice thing to have for kids, especially since the app includes a tilt game called “Hut Racer” to keep you entertained whilst your pizza is being- well, whatever it is they do with pizzas there. (I’m a born and bred New Yorker- if someone didn’t swear at you while you ordered it, it ain’t a pizza, dude.)