A new report claims that, although officials warned Hillary Clinton that using a smartphone to conduct government business was a security risk, she failed to take heed to the warning and did it anyway. According to the report from the website Investors , Clinton began using private email accounts in 2009, which were accessed through her BlackBerry to exchange messages with her top aides. Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton says the former First Lady did this despite knowing that her BlackBerry wasn’t secure.
CNS News wrote that, midway through her term as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton received an email from a former State Department aide about “Google email hacking and woeful state of civilian technology.” Documents revealed that Clinton also responded to the email, which was written Anne-Marie Slaughter, a former director of policy planning at the State Department.
As said in a recent report from The Associated Press , Clinton has come under intense scrutiny for her decision to use a private email server located in the basement of her New York home to route messages, including some containing sensitive information.
Hillary Clinton email: “The Murdochs are almost literally going crazy. James Murdoch…” https://t.co/FGituTqm5I pic.twitter.com/DUgH0w9kpR
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) March 16, 2016
The number of classified e-mails on Clinton’s private computer server totaled 2,115. At a news conference in March of last year regarding the matter, Clinton stated that she “did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material.”
According to Breitbart News , John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, stated he believes the FBI will “explode” if Hillary Clinton ultimately is not indicted for her email infractions due to what he described as politics triumphing over the legal system. Bolton also provided more explosive details of the newly released emails. Among them, the admission of war crimes committed by the rebels, the presence of U.S. special operations advisers in Libya almost from the beginning of the protests, and the existence of Al-Qaeda groups within the U.S.-backed opposition. It is recognized that the propaganda that justified the violent intervention was based on mere rumors.
Breitbart investigative journalist Aaron Klein reportedly asked Bolton whether he thinks Clinton will ultimately be indicted for allegedly sending classified information over her private email server.
“I think that the pressure is definitely building,” Bolton was quoted as saying. “And just take the politics out of this for a second. What Hillary Clinton and her top aides did is not just make a few small violations of laws to protect classified information. They made wholesale violations and they did it for a sustained, indeed for a four-year period.”
Soon after Clinton took office as Secretary of State in 2009, the National Security Agency rejected her request to use a smartphone to conduct government business. She wanted a “BlackBerry-like” device, similar to the one provided to President Obama. A new Washington Post analysis of Clinton’s publicly released correspondence revealed that Clinton wrote 104 emails that she sent using her private server while Secretary of State that the government has since said contain classified information.
I want the public to see my email. I asked State to release them. They said they will review them for release as soon as possible.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) March 5, 2015
Reportedly, the State Department’s NSA liaison was worried about Clinton’s actions and “expressed concerns about security vulnerabilities inherent with using BlackBerry devices for secure communications or in secure areas.” And, according to Investors’ report, a former NSA official wonders just what it was that Clinton did not want “put on a government system, where security people might see it.”
Clinton’s server held at least 22 e-mails that are too Top Secret to be made public, even if redacted, and her server contained 104 dispatches in which “officials have determined that material Clinton herself wrote in the body of email messages is classified,” the Post wrote.
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