Chelsea Clinton Says Hillary Clinton Wants Obamacare For Illegal Aliens [Video]

Hillary Clinton, the presidential front-runner for the Democrats, is strongly in favor of extending Obamacare health insurance coverage to illegal immigrants, daughter Chelsea Clinton has revealed.

During a recent campaign event in Salt Lake City, Chelsea responded (see video below) to a Hillary Clinton supporter’s inquiry about expanding Obamacare, a.k.a. the Affordable Care Act, to cover non-citizens.

“My mom has very strong feelings that we must push as quickly as possible for comprehensive immigration reform, and this is a real difference between her’s and Senator Sanders’ record, she supported comprehensive immigration reform at every possible chance and she was one of the original supporters and sponsors of the DREAM Act. She does not believe that while we are working towards comprehensive immigration reform we should make people wait, like the families you are talking about. Which is why she thinks it’s so important to extend the Affordable Care Act to people who are living and working here, regardless of immigration status, regardless of citizenship status…”

On his Twitter feed, illegal immigration foe and GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump accused Hillary Clinton of misplaced priorities.

Separately, in a campaign debate in Miami sponsored by Univision and the Washington Post, Hillary Clinton expressed her opposition to deporting children or family members who are in the U.S. illegally.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Obamacare premiums have increased about nine percent over 2015, although in some states they jumped as much as 40 percent, The Hill reported. Depending on their income, many consumers are eligible for taxpayer subsidies that partially defray the premium costs, however.

“American taxpayers pay roughly $5,000 per year for each person enrolled in Obamacare. So the addition of only 10 million current illegals to Obamacare would cost taxpayers at least $50 billion per year, or $500 billion over 10 years…,” Breitbart News claimed.

In addition to the “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan” broken promise, Obamacare was supposed to result in a typical family saving about $2,500 a year in health insurance premiums. Instead, many consumers have been hit with higher co-pays and deductibles, plus limited provider networks in addition to significant premium hikes.

In a Columbus, Ohio, town hall earlier this month that was nationally televised by CNN, an Obama voter and Clinton leaner told the former Secretary of State that her health insurance premiums had skyrocketed under Obamacare. “I would like to vote Democratic,” the questioner said. “[B]ut it’s cost me a lot of money. And I’m wondering if Democrats really realize how difficult it’s been on working-class Americans to finance Obamacare.”

Hillary Clinton’s answer, in part (see clip below), is that the woman should shop around more on the exchange for a better plan.

Reacting to the news that Obamacare enrollment has increased only 8.5 percent year over year, respected healthcare analyst Robert Laszewski observed that “Obamacare has been very helpful to those on Medicaid and those with the lowest incomes on the insurance exchanges. But if you are solidly in the working and middle-class in this country individual health insurance on the state and federal exchanges is anything but affordable.”

Illegal immigrants may already be receiving Obamacare benefits. “[A] bombshell report from the Senate Homeland Security Committee found that the healthcare law doled out an estimated $750 million in taxpayer-funded insurance subsidies to some 500,000 people of unverified immigration status,” U.S. Congresswoman Diane Black wrote at TheBlaze website, adding that Obama administration opposed a bill passe dwith bipartisan support in the Hosue that would require both income and citizenship status prior to Obamcare subsidy disbursements.

In the January 2016 Democratic debate from South Carolina, Hillary Clinton and rival Bernie Sanders sparred over healthcare reform, i.e., Hillarycare vs. Berniecare, with the Vermont Senator pushing for a Medicare-for-all plan that he claims will be far more cost effective than the status quo.

Sanders, who voted for the Obamacare one-size-fits-all law, claimed that he improved upon it while it was working its way through Congress (and ultimately passed on a straight party-line vote), but that he has long been a supporter of universal healthcare, which FDR and Truman also favored. He acknowledged that even with Obamacare, 29 million Americans still lack healthcare and that medical costs are still through the roof.

Do you agree with Hillary Clinton via her daughter Chelsea that illegal immigrants should become eligible for Obamacare?

[Photo by John Locher/AP]

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