Charrisse Jackson Jordan has revealed that she’s struggling a bit on this season of The Real Housewives of Potomac . Many former Real Housewives stars will tell you to stay away from reality television if you have any problems in your marriage, but it sounds like Charrisse didn’t get the memo. After just a few episodes, she told her co-stars that she was having trouble in her marriage, as her husband was living in a different state. And her marriage troubles have been the topic of discussion for quite some time.
According to a new Bravo report, Charrisse Jackson Jordan is now revealing that she appreciates her co-stars’ concerns about her marriage, but her marital crisis is not the same as Gizelle Bryant’s former issues.
“It is a sensitive topic for me and the whole point of getting away was not to think about it. My marriage is not the only thing going on in my life. Maybe next time I will be able to share what I want to, share what’s on my heart. This was the first time the ladies had done this, so next time they will understand how it is supposed to work,” Charrisse Jackson Jordan reveals in her blog for Bravo, revealing that she doesn’t necessarily want to talk about her marriage troubles with the other ladies.
Of course, she isn’t the only person who has marital troubles in the group. But a few of the ladies said that they understood how she felt, but Charrisse Jackson Jordan doesn’t exactly appreciate the comparisons — maybe because cheating isn’t a component of Charrisse’s marriage.
“I love my friend Gizelle, but our marital situations are VERY different. I dated my husband for the length of her marriage. The reason she opted to divorce is in a whole other category vs. what I am dealing with. She doesn’t know my husband to have an opinion one way or the other. However, I do appreciate her concern if it is coming from a good place, but there isn’t one rule to marriage or divorce. Every situation is different,” Jackson Jordan reveals, sharing that she doesn’t appreciate the comparisons.
Of course, Gizelle’s marriage fell apart when she learned that her husband had been having an affair. Bryant learned that her husband was cheating with another woman, and she only learned of the news when the other woman reached out to her and disclosed the news. Gizelle decided to file for divorce, and she has no interest in making peace with her ex-husband. But Jackson Jordan doesn’t see her situation the same way. Her marital issues are different, and it is possible that they have merely grown apart. And she does ask that the other ladies don’t judge her situation or give her unsolicited advice.
“Until you have walked in someone’s shoes you can’t tell him/her what they should do. If I listened to all the unwarranted advice people gave me over my years on this earth, I probably would’ve been single and a virgin my entire life (I could rock the nun thing :0). I do appreciate her genuine love and concern. But, when it comes to deciding what’s best for me and my family, thanks but no thanks,” Charrisse Jackson Jordan explains in her Bravo blog.
Her husband has been out of the picture, as he hasn’t been a huge part of The Real Housewives of Potomac . And it is possible that he doesn’t like the fact that his marriage is being dissected on national television.
What do you think of Charrisse Jackson Jordan’s comments about her marriage? Do you think she has a right to discuss the marriage when she wants – and shut down the women when she doesn’t want to discuss it?
[Image via Instagram ]