A young man speaking to a group of voters at Nevada precinct 3361 was booed and forced out of the room after he tried to tell voters why he supported Bernie Sanders. The young man, who was a volunteer from California, made the mistake of mentioning Hillary’s gender to an already hostile audience and was subsequently banned from speaking to undecided voters during the caucus.
The young man, who was identified only as Brian, and his friend who was filming the speech, were forced to leave the room. A few minutes later, the precinct captain allegedly called Bernie a socialist Jew. A few minutes later a group of Sanders supporters emerged to discuss what happened after Brian and his friend left. What happened in the room disturbed several of the Bernie Sanders supporters.
“The precinct captain for Hillary, the first words out of his mouth were the reason to vote for Hillary over Bernie is because Bernie is a socialist Jew.”
Another voter confirmed this remark, and noted that it was why “nobody got to talk.” The girl’s mother, who did not want to appear on camera, spoke off camera about the precinct captain’s “socialist Jew” remarks.
“I am about as angry as I can be. My daughter is 18 years old…It was ugly. It was embarrassing. We might as well have been sitting in a roomful of Republicans.”
Her daughter concurred.
“That was bad.”
Should Brian have mentioned gender? Of course not. However, if precinct 3361’s captain really did utter the words, “socialist Jew” it truly is worse than anything that any Republican has said so far during this race regarding Sanders. Democrats are supposedly the more tolerant party, the more culturally and racially inclusive party, and so they must be held to a higher standard than Republicans.
While Brian’s remarks regarding Clinton’s gender may have insulted her supporters in the room, Clinton herself has made an issue out of it. In every speech, she discusses the historic first of becoming the first female president.
Even her supporters have highlighted the importance of the United State’s first female president as a step in the right direction toward a more progressive agenda. As previously noted in Inquisitr , Ilyse Hogue, president of pro-choice advocacy group NARAL, wrote a blog about why her organization is supporting Clinton over Bernie Sanders.
“It’s hard to imagine a more definitive statement that that world is in the past — that women are full partners in our society, and they have full rights to live their own lives as only they see fit — than to elect a pro-choice woman to the highest office in the land.”
But a young man named Brian, and even rapper Killer Mike (who uttered the words of another woman) cannot make any mention of Clinton’s gender when voicing support for Bernie Sanders lest he be labeled a misogynist.
On January 3, John Fugelsang tweeted about this mentality.
They tell me @SenSanders can’t win b/c America won’t vote for a Socialist Jew. I tell them America celebrates a Socialist Jew every Dec 25.
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) June 3, 2015
As far as his religion goes, Bernie Sanders doesn’t wear his beliefs on his sleeve. He isn’t averse to discussing them, however. In the November issue of Rolling Stone magazine, Sanders didn’t shy away from the socialist label. Neither did he shy away from identifying as a Jew. In fact, his Judaism is a big part of his identity, although he does not actively observe. His father’s family died in the Holocaust, and he says some of him mother’s family probably died, as well.
This alone makes the Nevada precinct captain’s remarks against Bernie as a “socialist Jew” even more heinous, as it nearly gives credence to a form of ethnic cleansing that should never, under any circumstance, be acceptable.
Watch the video below to see what happened.
[Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images]