Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton continues to be the ambassador for charitable causes. This year, Kate Middleton started her call to the public when she delivered her message about Children’s Mental Health Week 2016.
According to E! News , Kate Middleton is a true patron for U.K. children’s charity. Having two kids with Prince William, Kate Middleton has become more and more acquainted with children.
This year, Kate Middleton sat down with four kids to know how the Place2BE’s program has helped them deal with depression.
“Do you all talk to your friends about your feelings?” the Duchess of Cambridge asked.
“Sometimes,” a kid said.
Sometimes it does help, doesn’t it? But other times there’s things that you probably don’t feel you want to share with your friends but at least you’ve got an adult to trust and help you.
One kid even said that the adult help has guided her through her schoolwork.
When I feel said, I always don’t, like, do my work sometimes.
“This resilience – our ability to deal with stressful situations – is something we begin to learn in childhood, as we respond to each challenge and problem life presents,” Kate Middleton emphasized.
Place2BE offers mental health support for children. They started supporting 5 schools in London and now they are spread out to about 257 schools nationwide.
Place2BE do not only provide academic guidance, they also assist children in deadline with their emotions. Place2Be also does their best to track and measure their results. According to their reports, their programs have an overall impact on the children, the teachers and the families they support.
Seventy-eight percent of kids have improved their performance, according to the teachers. 80 percent of the children improved according to their parents while 84 percent of the kids admitted they have seen and felt improvement on their end.
Kate Middleton wanted to highlight the importance of this issue in the society.
Through my work in areas like addiction, I have seen time and again that the roots of poor mental health in adulthood frequently stem from unresolved childhood issues. This needs to change. William and I feel that every child deserves to be supported through difficult times in their lives.
Last November, Kate Middleton attended another Place2BE Headteacher Conference in London. She made news not only for her speech but for unconventional ways of recycling her royal clothes. As E! News reported, Kate Middleton had reused her favourite dove gray dress during the event.
“Re-wearing old dresses is just Kate’s thing. Heck, it’s one of the reasons one fans adore her,” according to E! News.
Aside from her attention grabbing fashion style, Kate Middleton still made it a point to redirect everyone’s attention to her cause. She spoke on behalf of Place2BE and called everyone to focus on young people.
“I am sure you will agree that all children deserve time, attention and love from the adults in their lives. These basic qualities are so much more valuable than the always changing material and social concerns that can seem so important to young people.”
“As today’s theme reminds us, many children – even those from stable, happy homes – are finding that their heads are just too full,” she continued. “It is our duty, as parents and as teachers, to give all children the space to build their emotional strength and provide a strong foundation for their future.”
For more information on donating and helping out the Place2BE cause, you can visit their site here .
[Image Credit: Jamie Simonds/Place2Be via Getty Images]