Gordmans ‘ motto is ‘Something Unexpected’. Well, mission accomplished, guys. The popular retailer, which boasts 78 stores across 18 states, has just started stocking a onesie for babies with a bikini-clad woman ‘s silhouette printed on the front. The howls of outrage across the ‘net have been coming thick and fast since this was revealed by Action News 5 .
After receiving an email from a concerned viewer, Action News 5 headed to the Gordmans store in Southaven, MS to see what parents made of the onesie. Plenty found it vulgar; others were decidedly nonplussed.
“Inappropriate” was one of the more commonly used words in the interviews aired by Action News 5. Designed and manufactured by Bon Bebe, this ‘Wild Child’ brand outfit was designed for 18-month-old girls. Mother Cathryn McKee told the news station:
“I just think that is a little ridiculous that you would put that on your child.”
Meanwhile, a father who appeared in the broadcast said he’d stop his daughter wearing such an item because it would “give people the wrong idea too quickly.” Yeah, by about 17 years.
Mind you, some interviewees found nothing wrong in the Gordmans onesie, with mom Jeannie Stanley remarking:
“I just don’t take offense to that at all.”
What do you make of this readers (especially parents)? Is this a disturbing example of the increased sexualisation of children, or a tongue-in-cheek joke that should be taken light-heartedly?