Apple Hit With Another Trademark Lawsuit In China

Yesterday we announced a $60 million settlement between Chinese manufacturer Proview Technology and Apple, Inc. over the use of the iPad name and now a second lawsuit has been filed in which another Chinese company is claiming that Apple is infringing on its right to the “Snow Leopard” name, a claim that has led the company to seek $80,000 in damages.

“Snow Leopard” is the name of Apple’s OS X version 10.6 operating system and it also happens to be the name of a product sold by a Chinese household chemicals manufacturer, a name the company copyrighted.

The name which was translated by the Chinese company “Xuebao” was filed for trademark protection by Apple in 2008 but rejected by China’s trademark office. In Summer 2009 Apple began selling its Snow Leopard OS without the translated name.

According to the Chinese firm it had successfully registered the trademark for Snow Leopard in 2000, giving it full rights to use the Snow Leopard name.

The company, Jiangsu Xuebao, mostly sells household products such as cleaning supplies and toothpaste, however it does offer some electronic equipment including touchscreens. Because of its affiliate with electronics the company’s trademark claim could stick.

Xuebao will open its case against Apple in a Shanghai court on July 10. The company is asking for $80,000 and a public apology from Apple. Xuebao has also filed lawsuits against other company’s that market and sell Apple’s Snow Leopard OS.

Apple and other electronics firms in the U.S. in the meantime continue to complain about the handling of such matters within the Chinese court system which typically favors local businesses over international business partners.

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