This season on The Bachelor 2016, viewers are going to meet Caila Quinn. She will try to win over Ben Higgins, but if she doesn’t, just know that this girl could end up as The Bachelorette or even cast on Bachelor In Paradise. Wet Paint shared some big details about Caila Quinn . Caila is from Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts, and graduated from Boston College Carroll School of Management in 2014 with a B.A. in Marketing.
Caili says that she loves to live life creatively. Her biography from college actually shares a lot about Caili as well.
I studied abroad in Germany and taught English to young students…I love to travel and practice my German, which I started in college. It is never too late to learn a new skill. People learn through experiences and the most memorable are the fun ones.
Caili Quinn has an active Pinterest account that shows all of her interests . It is obvious that Caili loves pretty dresses, rustic decorating, and has a lot of plans to travel. Actually, traveling is one reason that a lot of girls join The Bachelor, because they know they will get a chance to see the world. Caili has also pinned a few recipes that are healthy, but great for a sweet tooth.
OK Here is the Situation shared a few more details about Caili Quinn . The year that she spent teaching English was when she was just a junior. Caili is actually Filipino. While at Boston College, Caili was very involved in the Philippine Society. Caili now lives in Wellesley Hills Massachusetts and works as a Business Development Associate at Reflexis Systems. Her parents moved to Ohio recently.
An insider did share a bit about Caili Quinn, and it sounds like she might not be ready to get into a serious relationship.
“I will tell you one more thing. She dated a guy exclusively for over a year, broke up with him in July, and now has popped up on the Bachelor. Does that sound like any other contestant this year?”
They are comparing Caili to Olivia Caridi, who allegedly dumped her boyfriend just to be on the show. If this is the case, then Olivia and Caili might both not be really ready to jump into a new relationship. It is hard to date someone seriously for a long time and then move on to someone new right away. The show filmed last year, and they also would have been required to apply months before filming started. That means that both of these girls moved on really fast from their relationships.
ABC shared a few more details on Caili Quinn that she gave them directly. On her right hip, Caili has a half-inch tattoo of the Hawaiian islands. She really likes cold weather because you can cuddle up in it. Caili actually worked as a waitress for three years part-time so she could pay for her year abroad. She also shared where she normally meets guys.
“I meet guys in the city… at Starbucks…on airplanes. I’m one of those rare people that believes in fate… and always tries to be present. You never know. :)”
Caili Quinn also wants children and thinks three is the perfect number. Ben has shared that having kids is important to him, so this is one thing that will make her a good match for Ben. She also admits that she would want to be a pomegranate if she had to be a fruit or vegetable because “it’s the forbidden fruit that is complicated to open, but very rewarding, tasty and good for you. Plus it tastes so good!!!”
Do you think that Caili Quinn could win the heart of Ben Higgins? Is she a good choice for The Bachelorette? Sound off in the comments below on your thoughts, and don’t miss The Bachelor on Monday nights on ABC.
[Image Via Instagram ]