Justin Bieber had a busy year in 2015. After suffering from negative publicity and a series of public scandals including run-ins with the law, Bieber came back with a purpose. While some might state that his nude scandal was one of the most intrusive events to happen in the pop-singer’s public and private life, his musical return with Purpose has earned critical claim. For many fans; however, it was a bit of a confusing year, especially when attention focused on Justin Bieber’s love life.
In 2015, it appeared he and Selena Gomez were through, then a public video of Bieber serenading Selena caused many to think that the singer and former Disney darling had reunited, only for him to be photographed later that evening with Kylie Jenner. While some might have thought Justin Bieber and Kylie Jenner had reunited, it later turned out the singer was being linked to Jenner’s older sister, Kourtney Kardashian.
One can strain their neck trying to figure out who is who in Justin Bieber’s love life, as every time you turn your head the media and paparazzi have linked him to another woman. But there is one area where Justin Bieber remains on a steady track: his music. The year 2015 was an excellent year for Justin Bieber and the release of his latest album, Purpose.
Here are some of the most notable Justin Bieber moments that happened in 2015.
There is no question that when Justin Bieber was photographed fully nude, while vacationing in Bora Bora, that the internet went into a tizzy. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and everyone, everywhere was looking for (and at) pictures of Justin Bieber. Justin rose to the occasion and laughed the incident off on numerous platforms and in various interviews. Check out some of the Twitter reactions, as well as Justin Bieber’s responses to being photographed in the nude in the videos below.
Justin Bieber on His Nude Paparazzi Photo https://t.co/VQdCrduIFz 151
— Video (@lazydaysugg) December 27, 2015
And after the nude scandal, Justin Bieber’s dad responded on Twitter.
Justin Bieber Thought His Dad’s Reaction To Nude Photos Was ‘Hilarious’ https://t.co/0ZDhN9PbP2 pic.twitter.com/hpaF8A78Nz
— 100FlavoursUK (@100FlavoursUK) December 11, 2015
Justin Bieber modeled Calvin Klein underwear and displayed the line in a series of unusual events. Not only did the photo shoot, behind the scenes photos, and actual photos of Justin Bieber in the Calvin Klein underwear go viral, but so did a Saturday Night Live parody. Check out some of top picks from Justin Bieber’s Calvin Klein experience below.
RT @ SecuteBelieber: Calvin Klein photoshoot by Justin Bieber was something that Beliebers will never forget #Just … pic.twitter.com/HB8RczOsMF
— Justin Bieber (@dr3wcrack) December 19, 2015
Justin Bieber modeled Calvin Klein underwear and displayed the line in a series of unusual events. Not only did the photo shoot, behind the scenes photos, and actual photos of Justin Bieber in the Calvin Klein underwear go viral, but so did a Saturday Night Live parody. Check out some of top picks from Justin Bieber’s Calvin Klein experience below.
CALVIN KLEIN.. Justin Bieber pic.twitter.com/EiNCjaTe2K
— CARA (@johnmichaelma19) December 16, 2015
Because it’s Friday and this is always funny and so good #mykevins @justinbieber Calvin Klein Ad – SNL https://t.co/f4Bd7drixk
— molly hitchings (@mollyhitch) September 4, 2015
Justin Bieber’s Calvin Klein Ads Get Mocked on SNL / [VIDEO] https://t.co/CMnDNcAGFV pic.twitter.com/K3ecusuD5W
— Aaron Fernandes (@AARONRFERNANDES) December 23, 2015
When Justin Bieber was caught on video serenading his old flame, Selena Gomez, Beliebers worldwide tweeted with glee. It appeared the couple had reignited the flame of love, but apparently it was not to be. Maybe this was just one special night between the two. Maybe it was a coincidence and Justin saw Selena randomly and did what he does best, serenaded her.
Exactly what transpired between their personal lives is just that – personal. But for one lucky teen girl who witnessed the event, put it on Instagram , and later spoke to Teen Vogue about the experience, it is unlikely to be a night she will ever forget.
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist https://t.co/dZ6waKpx72 JUSTIN BIEBER AND SELENA GOMEZ SERENADES SELENA “SORRY” “My Girl”
— Strive Shayz (@Eshrar70Shayan) November 24, 2015
The year 2015 was a year for Justin Bieber to make plenty of talk show rounds. This video of Jimmy Fallon and Justin Bieber exchanging their secret handshake went viral.
Me ha gustado un vídeo de @YouTube ( https://t.co/6VZtCcV2Xd – Secret Handshake with Justin Bieber).
— Diario Adolescente (@ShailaHopes) December 26, 2015
It was also the year for Justin Bieber and carpool karaoke with James Corden. Justin appeared on The Late Late Show with James Corden and engaged in not one episode of carpool karaoke but two. Both videos went viral.
While there were definitely some high moments for Justin Bieber in 2015, it wasn’t always a walk in the park. Justin got testy with fans on more than one occasion, proving he is the ultimate diva.
Here are some of Justin Bieber’s best diva moments of 2015.
And in 2015, we learned never to ask Justin Bieber if he dresses himself.
And if all of Justin’s diva antics have you worried that should you see the Biebs walking down the street he won’t give you the time of day, there’s no need to worry.
Justin explained in true diva fashion, via Snapchat, how to approach him if you want a picture.
Well, it would seem that Justin Bieber has had an incredibly busy year, but his antics can’t even begin to compete with his rumored love life. The most recent rumor is that Justin Bieber and Kourtney Kardashian are hooking up.
But despite all the rumors, photos, scandals, and antics, there is no doubt that musically, Justin Bieber has had his best year yet. Purpose is a record-breaking, smash success, releasing hit after hit and making Bieber a top Grammy contender for 2016. If there’s anything that truly defines 2015 for Justin Bieber, it’s Purpose .
What do you think? Do you have a favorite Justin Bieber 2015 moment?
[Photo by Marcus Ingram/FilmMagic]