The live updates about Daniel Holtzclaw , a cop charged with raping 13 women, are being tweeted into the “live” updates section of Twitter as the public awaits the jury’s verdict for Holtzclaw.
According to the Amazon firm named Alexa, their “ What’s Hot ” list on Thursday, December 10, shows the article, titled “Did This White Cop Rape 13 Black Women?” and published by the Daily Beast, as the most popular web page on their list as of this writing. On Twitter, the general consensus is that the jury in the Holtzclaw trial is making onlookers nervous because of how long it has taken the jury to deliver a verdict.
Holtzlcaw is on trial and being charged with using his authority as a policeman to rape an underage girl as young as 17-years-old — along with being charged with sexually assaulting other women, including a grandmother. During some of the assaults, the former Oklahoma City police officer reportedly wore his uniform, and the Daily Beast reports that DNA evidence found inside the crotch of Holtzlcaw’s uniform uncovered there could potentially be a fourteenth victim who has not come forward.
As reported by BuzzFeed , the victims of Daniel spoke out for the first time last year in court, telling of their harrowing run-in with Holtzclaw, a man who is accused of targeting poor women of color because it is believed that Daniel thought no one would care about them as his sexual assault victims. Those testimonies of Holtzclaw’s targets of sexual assault weren’t widely reported until now, with people on social media still begging for larger media coverage about Holtzclaw’s atrocities.
Meanwhile, the most recent news updates about the outcome of Daniel’s trial in Oklahoma City show that the jury is entering its fourth day of deliberations for the Holtzclaw case.
As reported by KOCO , Holtzclaw’s trial charges that the former Oklahoma City police officer raped 13 women while on duty are still being debated. As Daniel turns 29, the public is facing the fourth day of deliberations for a jury that’s already deliberated approximately 34 hours in three days.
Daniel’s charges are plenty, including more than the horrific sexual assault charges that Holtzclaw already faces. Included with Daniel’s rape charges are a total of 36 charges that also include accusations like burglary levied against Holtzclaw.
Prosecutors in the case say that Holtzclaw raped 13 women located in the northeast portion of Oklahoma City when Daniel was supposed to act as an officer serving and protecting the community. Holtzclaw used intimidation and fear to try and suppress his victims into silence. Some of the ex-officer’s victims say that Daniel researched information about them, and in at least one case, used negative information found to intimidate the victim into silence.
Another of Holtzclaw’s victims said that she felt she had no one to turn to when she was assaulted by the cop.
“What kind of police do you call on the police?”
Plenty of social media users are reflecting on the fact that Holtzclaw’s 29th birthday is Thursday, December 10. If Daniel is convicted of the third-degree rape charge or charges, Holtzclaw could spend the rest of his life in jail. Certain Twitter users are tweeting that the sentence would be a fitting birthday present. Meanwhile, Daniel’s defense team is trying to portray Holtzclaw as a model police officer while questioning the credibility of the women who say Daniel raped them.
“When I was talking to the nurse when she was taking my blood pressure and everything she asked me a whole lot of questions and she asked me was I sexually assaulted in the last 24 hours or whatever, and I told her no. He was standing behind her with my files, I guess … And after I said, no, he closed the book up.”
If #DanielHoltzclaw ’s Victims Were White, Everyone Would Know His Name:
— Kirsten West Savali (@KWestSavali) December 10, 2015
[Photo by Sue Ogrocki/AP Photo]