Android or iPhone, that is the question. For die-hard Apple fans, the answer is clear. Despite the monopoly Apple seems to have on everything related to their devices, from apps to phone chargers, Apple fans are loyal. But the new features Verizon is rolling out to Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge may finally close that gap once and for all.
According to Verizon Wireless, on December 8, users with advanced calling will have the ability to make wireless calls on their Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge phones.
The new feature rollout on the Samsung Galaxy phones will make Android-powered phones an even bigger threat to the iPhone, which has had a corner market on Wi-Fi calling via FaceTime, until now.
Verizon’s announcement explained as follows.
“Wi-Fi Calling will initially be available on the Samsung Galaxy S 6 and Samsung Galaxy S 6 Edge and will be rolled out as a software update in phases. Additional Android and iOS devices will receive Wi-Fi Calling capabilities via future software updates expected early next year.”
Aside from the ability to now make Wi-Fi calls without downloading a third-party app, Android continues to be a major threat to Apple for several other reasons. For one, Android users often tout the open marketplace as a reason for their loyalty. While apple users are limited to the iTunes app store for downloads, Android users have a variety of marketplaces to choose from when it comes to downloading apps.
Alternative marketplaces for android apps , such as MoboMarket, give android users options when it comes to finding, downloading, and reviewing their favorite smartphone apps. MoboMarket, a leading Chinese web company, was developed by Baidu. The variety of options for app downloads gives android users more control over their phones. Meanwhile, iPhone and iPad loyalists remain limited.
On a related note, MoboMarket recently conducted a study on app downloads, which indicates that photography apps are among the most popular app downloads. To that end, Android-powered devices, such as the Samsung Galaxy S6, also give the iPhone a run for its money when it comes to the camera. Forbes recently published a review on the Samsung Galaxy S6 camera in which they concluded the camera outperformed the iPhone 6s on almost every level.
Forbes contributor Ewan Spence explained, “Pair up the extra light falling on the more sensitive sensor with the improved lens, and the simple argument is that you get more detail in your images. It’s not just a simple matter of scaling up the megapixels, it needs to be in tandem with the lenses and filters already in place, and to work with the software processing, but Samsung has achieved all of this.”
Will the Samsung Galaxy S6 with its sought-after camera and included Wi-Fi calling via Verizon be what it takes to finally solve the android versus iPhone debate once and for all? Quite possibly.
And the improvements don’t end there. With the Samsung Galaxy S7 slated for release in early 2016 , there’s no telling what the new and improved features, including a sleeker design and upgraded hardware, will bring about for android lovers.
While Apple lovers may continue to win the simplicity argument for years to come, more sophisticated smartphone users and business smartphone users seem to have a soft spot for Android.
[Photo by Getty Images & MoboMarket]