WWE News: Mick Foley Claims This Is His Final ‘RAW,’ Calls Out Vince McMahon

WWE fans are at their wit’s end with the WWE and how they are writing their shows. Ratings are consistently dropping, the top-contenders are getting injured, and the creative team isn’t finding other ways to book the programs. On top of that, storylines are being recycled and the WWE is pushing guys a bulk of the fans don’t want to see at the top.

Cesaro and Miz WWE
Cesaro and Miz on a match at WWE RAW. [Image via YouTube]
One person that’s had a consistent voice in the Internet Wrestling Community is Mick Foley. The WWE Hall of Famer had choice words to say about the product in recent weeks, and even commented on WWE NXT’s crowd, by saying they’re hurting the show rather than helping it. His main criticism lies with the writing of WWE RAW, WWE Smackdown, and all of their pay-per-views.

In his latest Facebook post, Mick Foley claimed tonight is his “final RAW.”

“WWE is at a real crossroads. Allow me to paraphrase Albert Einstein, who said “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results”. Wrestling historians can argue about when the ?#?AttitudeEra? in wrestling officially began. But for me, it will always be at a meeting called by Mr McMahon in the Spring of 1997, where he admitted that what had worked for them for so long in the past (I interpreted that to mean one-dimensional characters that tended to be job-related) was no longer working, and that if they were going to survive, the wrestlers themselves were going to have to step up, and help create those dimensions that would establish the emotional bond between the wrestlers and the fans – part of the lifeblood of professional wrestling.

“I hope I don’t sound like I’m picking on WWE. There is a big part of me that loves this company, and always will. Why else would I be up at 4:15 am, writing things that are likely to banish me deeper and deeper into the WWE doghouse? One of my favorite wrestlers proposed a storyline that would allow me a four of five week storyline that would allow me to dig in deep, and swing for the fences – and in the process, maybe advance a few of the super-talented but underutilized athletes on the roster. I would love to do it….but I doubt it’s going to happen. After all, I might want to do something crazy like go out there without a script, and try to create some real emotion – in other words, the type of thing that saved WWE in the late 90’s.

“The talent pool has never been deeper. But the creative flow is stagnant…and it’s been stinking for a while. I quoted Einstein to begin this thing. Let me conclude with the immortal words of Owen Heart: “Enough’s enough: it’s time for a change!””

In a respectful tirade last week, Foley discussed why he was starting to turn in to a former-WWE fan. It’s unfortunate, but Foley is one of the biggest-WWE supporters in the world. He, and his son, traveled 12 hours to WWE NXT, where Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks had one of the best matches in women’s history. Then, they were only given four minutes last week on WWE RAW.

Becky Lynch Sasha Banks WWE
Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks at a WWE NXT show. [Image via YouTube]
Vince McMahon commented early last week by saying he isn’t worried about the ratings WWE programming is garnering on a weekly basis. WWE RAW is close to breaking their non-holiday low each week. If he can’t see the problems, then he’s not looking in the right spots.

Roman Reigns isn’t money right now. Sheamus won’t help the WWE get better ratings. Daniel Bryan and John Cena would immediately bring a boost to the ratings. Each week, fans would tune in to see those two alone. That, or WWE NXT stars need to come up. Of course, an easy remedy is to have better writing. That’s not easy, apparently.

[Image via YouTube]

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