As if the Starbucks’ red cup controversy and whether to say “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays” isn’t enough for you, now, there’s something else. Brace yourselves as this may be the most upsetting of them all. People are now upset that the annual Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Christmas Trees do not actually look like Christmas trees.
Yes, this is something that is actually upsetting people as the Christmas season approaches. One would think this is enough to cause a brawl like some of the Black Friday fights that broke out this year.
@ReesesPBCups Does this look like a Christmas tree to you?? #Christmas #Reeses #IIIShowYou
— Bucky Keen (@DoomBucky) November 2, 2015
According to AOL , people are not happy that the shape of the tasty Christmas trees is more of an oval or an oblong sphere or a “blob of nothing.”
It’s quite true that when you take the candy out of the wrapper, it really doesn’t have the shape of branches as it is supposed to have. In past years, the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Christmas Trees actually had what looked like branches and a stump and a clearly defined pointed top. The tree was not only quite good to eat, but it was fun at the same time.
While it’s not perfect, it at least had some definition to it. This year’s crop of chocolate covered Christmas trees have fallen down the tree and hit every single branch on the way down.
@C_Compton12 @ReesesPBCups tree? — Faith (@faithfoush) November 23, 2015
Many people were upset by this and took to Twitter and other forms of social media to voice their displeasure. Some were doing it in a lighthearted and fun way while cracking jokes and just poking a little bit of fun at the weird shapes.
Others have actually tweeted to Reese’s social media accounts to actually let the candy-loving company know they were upset. They spoke out against the misshapen trees and wanted it known that somehow, some way, the Christmas tree candies were not going to be the same.
Reese’s even started responding back to let everyone know they were sorry and to send a true message via their contact form.
@Toasted_n_postd We apologize, as this is not the perfect experience we hope for our fans. Please leave us a note:
— REESE’S (@ReesesPBCups) November 24, 2015
With a few of the candy blobs coming out of the wrappers looking like they had been melted in the hot sun, reshaped, and then frozen back into solid form, the tasteless jokes started coming as well. Some looked at them as “boring eggs,” “ridiculous blobs,” or even “dog poop,” according to The Daily Mail .
One person even thought her particular Christmas tree from Reese’s looked “more like an egg with a hernia” than anything else.
CNBC reported that the Starbucks’ red cup controversy really got things started with people being offended and overly sensitive this season. There were no snowmen or ornaments or snowflakes or jolly elves to be seen anywhere, and the cups were simply plain red.
In the spirit of Christmas (?), people protested and complained and wrote their own special holiday messages on the cups. Others would draw a snowman or flying reindeer on the side of their cup to get the desired look they were hoping for.
Now, it’s not just someone getting upset about the lack of design on a red cup or having multi-colored lights over plain white lights or saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.” No, the latest and most upsetting thing as of late is that Reese’s Peanut Butter Christmas Trees are not shaped liked Christmas trees and that’s a huge bother, or something.
[Image via Blair Candy ]