Bill Cosby Dead? No, But Rumor Mill Is Going Crazy After Troubling Photos Emerge

Bill Cosby isn’t dead yet, despite death hoax rumors going around the Internet; but, new photos that emerged on Monday (Nov. 23) paint a troubling portrait about the comedian’s health.

The Daily Mail picked up several photos from TheImageDirect and posted them to their site. Fans of the once beloved comedian may be troubled to see a disheveled-looking Cosby as he emerged from his New York City home.

Wife Camille is shown next to Bill Cosby the whole time, and it appears as if she’s holding his arm, helping to steady him every step of the way.

As a result of these photos leaking out to the public, the “Bill Cosby dead” searches started trending, with many taking a cue from the photographs that he could be on his last legs.

Of course, rumors are rumors for a reason. They can’t be proven. At this time, there is nothing that would confirm serious health issues for Cosby.

Some detractors have questioned whether or not any potential health issues are part of an act to protect his fortune. With dozens of women now accusing Bill Cosby of rape over a decades-long span, it’s a likely assumption to make.

However, Cosby’s life has seemed to take a turn for the worse in the last year, and it’s not out of the realm of possibility that there could be some very legitimate health concerns, as well.

The comedian Hannibal Buress ignited the firestorm during a standup routine last year, in which he reminded the world of why he hates Bill Cosby.

Buress, in a video provided by Philadelphia Magazine, said Cosby has “the f***ing smuggest old black man public persona that I hate.”

The attack continued.

“He gets on TV, ‘Pull your pants up black people, I was on TV in the 80s. I can talk down to you because I had a successful sitcom.’ Yeah, but you rape women, Bill Cosby, so turn the crazy down a couple notches.”

After that, the Internet redirected its attention to previous, well-documented stories about a familiar M.O. Cosby allegedly used on numerous women.

This alleged M.O. usually involved Cosby befriending a young woman and getting her into a position where he could drug her and have sex with her.

Cosby flatly denies ever raping anyone, but the court of public opinion has been rough. Aside from the “rape memes” using pictures of Cosby, there have been professional consequences.

Netflix and NBC both reportedly pulled the plug on projects they had waiting for the comedian, and live standup shows have become increasingly more hostile.

While none of this means Bill Cosby is dead or dying, it certainly is telling for his career.

What certainly hasn’t helped the health rumors circulating about him — in addition to the new photos linked above — is this interview that he gave earlier in the year in which he “responded” to the allegations with utter gibberish.

Have a look.

After that, Cosby’s situation considerably worsened when a 2005 deposition was released to the public. In it, the fatherly family man image came crashing to the ground when Cosby admitted that he did purchase drugs to give to women he wanted to have sex with.

That did not make him guilty of rape, but it did deal a crushing blow to the persona that he had perpetuated since his hit family sitcom of the 1980s.

What do you think about the “Bill Cosby dead” rumors in light of the new photos and the apparent declining state of his quality of life?

Do you think there is something seriously wrong with the comedian’s health? Sound off in the comments section.

[Image via LaMarr McDaniel/]

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