Police in Blue Ash, Ohio have shot dead a Chihuahua cross dog, but only after first tasing it.
5 year old Jack was the pet of the Bullock family, who bought the dog several years ago for their now 12 year old son. While the Bullock’s were out, Jack got out, and that’s where the police became involved.
If tasing and shooting a small 5 pound dog isn’t bad enough, the way the family found out about it was worse again. On returning home, they found three bullets and blood splattered over their front porch, along with a note to call the police about their dog.
To keep this is perspective, we’re talking about a chihuahua here with zero history of violence, who lived in a home with a 12 year old child and a 5 year old, and despite coming to the attention of police for getting out, was shot none the less on the front porch of the home it lived in.
Scott Bullock told local media that he couldn’t understand why they didn’t call the SPCA. “They didn’t make that phone call other than to come scoop the dog off the porch after they shot him. Two grown men that can’t gather up a five-pound dog – and they’re trained police officers – sounds ridiculous to me.”
The police officers claim that the dog bit them, and the local police department claim that the officers handled the situation according to department policy.
Only in America.