It’s that time of year already? Time for everyone to “fall back” and enjoy an extra hour of rest, right? You need to be ready, and here are four things to remember.
Briefly, before the preparation tips, it should be pointed out that “daylight savings time” is actually “ daylight saving time .” According to CNN , it’s a common usage error that has been adopted over the years.
Standard Time also states that daylight saving was introduced in World War I as a means to utilize more natural light and minimize that of artificial necessity. Hence, “ saving daylight ,” whether in early morning or late afternoon. So, another way you can look at it is “daylight saving’s time.”
Yet, to digress, the date for 2015 is Sunday, November 1, at 2 a.m. While sometimes there is confusion concerning the concept, you are to set your clocks backward an hour. A way of remembering this technique is by the seasons. In autumn, simply “fall back” an hour. In spring, “spring forth” an hour.
Interestingly enough, there’s a petition in motion to cease daylight saving time. It can be found on Petition 2 Congress . Currently, the issue has over 68,000 supportive letters. At the site, it mentions as follows.
“Please stop the messing with our schedules. It’s an antiquated practice that only aggravates people. As it is Arizona, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, and America Samoa do not participate in this practice.”
Obviously, a lot of people believe the time hop throws them out of balance. And that brings us to the tips. These will help you better adjust to the extra hour.
- For one, ABC News – Health reports that sleep is one of the most disrupted patterns from daylight saving changes . Usually, you might think to take advantage of this extra hour, right? Well, according to the source, you should probably use the extra time wisely. Instead of sleeping in, use it to take your time waking yourself. The medium recommends exercise of some sort. Doing this right before bed would be sure to tire your muscles, prepping you for sleep. Doing it after you wake would help energize you for your day.
- As another daylight saving time tip which correlates with the first one, body rejuvenation is essential for adjustment efficiency. It’s so much easier to eat unhealthily. And many times, it tastes better, right? Well, that’s actually a matter of perspective. However, as far as longevity and health are concerned, proper eating habits have to be better. Allow this time to mark a transition in your life. The hour difference is enough to deal with on its own. It’d be better not to add the possibility of acid reflux as a nighttime disturbance as well.
- On Sunday night, to further correlate with the first tip, it’s advised by the same source to get adequate rest. In order to do this, it might be applicable to turn off your electronic devices. Probably everyone who has sleep issues keeps his or her phone or tablet nearby. However, while it seems to be something to pass time, it only activates and increases brain activity. And this results in you staying awake longer than intended. More importantly, this includes social media activity. You can give it a rest for a few late nights, right?
- You can actually use sleep aids that won’t cause you to go into deep thought, consequently keeping you awake longer. If you have any aroma therapy candles or scents, those work wonders for some users. ABC News – Health notes a low-dose melatonin as a possible alternative. However, it warns that it can interfere with other drugs. Another side effect is, ironically, drowsiness.
While those are just a few things you could do to help ease your transition, they’re by no means all that is available.
Nevertheless, Standard Time notes a proposal to end daylight saving altogether for the United States. On its website, it mentions as follows.
“It has not escaped our notice that in the United States, Eastern standard time is the same as Central daylight time and Mountain standard time is the same as Pacific Daylight Time. Thus, we propose that The Pacific and Central time zones remain on permanent daylight saving time, and that the Mountain and Eastern time zones remain on permanent standard time.
“In addition to releasing us from the burden of having to set our clocks every few months, this will also reduce the number of time zones in the United States from four to two.”
Although many think daylight saving time is a pain, is it really that serious? What are your thoughts? Feel free to express them in the comments below.
[Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images News ]