Khloe Kardashian Opens Up After Lamar Odom Overdose, Slammed For Coincidental ‘People’ Interview [Videos, Photos]

While Khloe Kardashian opens up about Lamar Odom after his overdose, she continues to be slammed on social media networks for what she describes as a coincidentally-timed People magazine interview. The public is not holding back when accusing Khloe of using the events that transpired since October 13 as a promotional tool to garner publicity for her new book, Strong Looks Better Naked. Though Khloe opens up about many personal issues, her critics don’t appear impressed by her candor. Neither are they impressed that she is choosing to promote her book through social media networks and interviews while Lamar Odom continues to fight for a full medical recovery.

Khloe Kardashian opens up about many things in the interview, and took to Twitter to defend herself after critics slammed her for what they see as self-promotion at Lamar Odom’s expense.

What might be the cause of the controversy is that after news spread that Lamar Odom was found unresponsive at a famous Las Vegas brothel, Khloe raced to be by his side. TMZ provided exclusive details that, though Khloe had filed for divorce, it was never finalized due to a court backlog. TMZ continued to report that Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom had called the divorce off, for the purpose of giving their marriage a second chance. These reports caused many in the public to determine that Khloe and Lamar would work on their marriage. Early critics accused the Kardashian clan of arriving in Nevada for the purpose of filming scenes for their reality television show. When it appeared that Khloe Kardashian was there out of love and support and no cameras filmed from Lamar Odom’s hospital room, the public became content.

In the interview where Khloe opens up about those first moments, she stated that she knew she had to be with Lamar Odom, to help support him and simply to be there for him.

It appeared that Khloe, who has a reputation for being a loving, strong woman, was by Odom’s side for support and there was nothing dubious going on. There were, however, many who accused Khloe Kardashian of calling off her divorce to Lamar Odom for other, more nefarious reasons.

Khloe’s fans who believed she had called off her divorce to Lamar Odom for love were dealt a blow when she explained her reasons to People. As Khloe opens up about the decision to stop the divorce, she also explained that she and Lamar Odom were not back together.

“With regard to pulling back on finalizing the divorce, there is no rush,” says Kardashian, who has been dating Houston Rockets player James Harden, 26.

“I’m not trying to get married tomorrow to anybody. It’s just bad timing to proceed with that right now. And also for medical reasons, it’s just smarter that gets on hold for a minute. But that does not mean I’m back with Lamar. That’s a whole other thing that only time will tell. I can’t tell you what tomorrow brings.”

As Khloe opens up about her reasons for putting the divorce on hold, and that it is more of a technicality than the two declaring their love for each other and saving their marriage, more people have turned against her on social media networks. Some have called her disparaging names, prompting Khloe Kardashian to respond to them on Twitter. Khloe opens up about many things in her life in the interview, and it appears this has had negative consequences for her public persona. Though Khloe explained that the interview was conducted before Odom’s overdose, and that she gave them a “5-minute-update via phone,” that hasn’t stopped her “haters.” Khloe opens up about many things, and the greatest shock to many of her supporters was that not only were she and Lamar Odom not back together, she was still dating her boyfriend, James Harden. What do you think about Khloe’s interview? Are you surprised that she opens up so easily on social media networks?

While Khloe opens up on social media, some are encouraging her to trust in God and do what’s best for her, Lamar Odom, and James Harden.

Check out these videos below where Khloe Kardashian opens up after Lamar Odom’s overdose.

[Photo by Robin Marchant / Getty Images]

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