Justin Bieber might soon upstage a Beatle. Officials in Mexico City are predicting that Bieber’s upcoming free concert could end up attracting more visitors than Paul McCartney’s May 10 concert in the city’s central plaza. McCartney attracted more than 200,000 people when he performed his free concert.
In preparation for the Bieber concert 5,000 police officers will be on hand for the event in order to make sure the crowd of pre-teen and teenage girls does not get out of hand.
Also in attendance will be two helicopters, four rings of barriers and 500 portable toilets.
While only 80,000 people will be given direct access to the plaza, thousands more are expected to watch the Justin Bieber show from giant screens that will be erected on neighboring streets.
Putting the protection of Justin Bieber into perspective, Paul McCartney was guarded by 1,400 police officers when he performed his show in Bogota, Colombia.
Justin Bieber is no stranger to high stress gigs, several countries have threatened in recent months to cancel the singers performances after realizing the type of riots that could ensue when Justin Bieber lands in their region.
While all 6,000 police officers will not stand guard next to Justin Bieber they will be responsible for keeping the peace throughout the day and concert.
Justin Bieber is definitely not the Beatles but the attention he is receiving has not been witnessed in the entertainment industry for years.
Are you surprised by the massive size of the police force needed to watch over Mexico City while Justin Bieber performs?