Ben Higgins is looking for love on ABC’s The Bachelor 2016 season this winter, and fans cannot wait to see if he finds love. Becca Tilley, from Chris Soules’ Bachelor season, is reportedly one of the women vying for Ben’s roses. A recent social media post has people buzzing about where she stands with Ben, and Reality Steve’s spoilers are breaking down what’s known so far. What’s the scoop?
Many Bachelor fans were quick to notice that Becca Tilley posted a tweet around 3:30 a.m. Wednesday morning even though the show is still filming. Does this mean that Becca has been eliminated by Ben Higgins? Some fans suspect that is the case, but Reality Steve’s spoilers detail that it is not necessarily that simple.
And you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars.
— Becca Tilley (@beccatilley5) October 14, 2015
As many Bachelor and Bachelorette fans will remember, Nick Viall’s Twitter page had posts randomly while he was filming as well. The posts definitely had fans buzzing throughout filming, though many suspected that a producer was posting the tweets or that there was some kind of concerted distraction campaign happening in that instance. Reality Steve’s spoilers share that he thinks that may well be the case here as well.
Becca’s tweet sounds a bit random on the surface, but fans quickly noted that they are lyrics from Taylor Swift’s song “You Are In Love.” Really, just based on that tidbit, Bachelor spoiler fans should surely be very dubious about the legitimacy of this tweet.
On the one hand, if Becca is still on the show and falling in love with Ben, she is not going to have access to her phone or social media right now. If, on the other hand, Becca was just eliminated by Ben and just got her phone back, would she rush to post these lyrics just hours after leaving the show?
Reality Steve’s Bachelor spoilers recently indicated that Becca Tilley got a one-on-one date with Ben Higgins in Las Vegas, and it was wedding-themed. The group has reportedly since moved on to the Bahamas to film the Week 5 dates. Steve has felt fairly confident that Becca is still with the group because it seems very likely that she did get a rose on her one-on-one date that took place a few days back.
The Bachelor spoiler fans over at the Bach and Bachette Fans forum are dissecting the possibilities with Becca’s tweet as well. They typically closely follow the timing of filming as it happens and believe that the rose ceremony in the Bahamas did likely just take place. Given that, it is possible that Becca was eliminated in the Bahamas. It is unusual for someone to get a rose on a one-on-one date in one episode and be eliminated the next, but not impossible.
Some posters have mentioned that Becca apparently tweeted out those same lyrics shortly after wrapping Soules’ Bachelor season as well. Does this all mean that Becca fell for Ben, has been eliminated, and is heartbroken? Really, there is just no telling quite yet.
One thing that Bachelor spoiler fans know about Tilley is that she is very active on social media. If she indeed has been eliminated, it likely will not take long for her to reveal some hints, via liking other posts and such if nothing else, before long.
Reality Steve’s spoilers have laid out that the spoiler guru is absolutely confident that Becca will not get Ben’s final rose. He says that Ben made it clear to her he did not want her joining the show, but naturally there are no public sources who can confirm that to be the case. Steve has said he is sure that Becca will not make it to the end this season.
Could Becca have won Ben over in the early weeks and still be on the show? Or has Becca Tilley indeed been eliminated by Ben Higgins on ABC’s The Bachelor 2016 season? Reality Steve’s spoilers will surely be detailing more soon, and fans are quite curious to learn more specifics.
Update : Reality Steve’s spoilers now indicate that indeed, Becca Tilley’s tweet was not indicative of her elimination on the show. Per Steve’s Bachelor spoilers, Tilley made it through the Week 5 rose ceremony and is still on the show. Will his intel prove to be correct on this front? Just how long will Becca last with Ben on ABC’s The Bachelor 2016 season?
(SPOILER): As expected, Becca’s tweet from earlier this morning was just another ruse from producers. She’s still on the show.
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) October 14, 2015
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