The super blood moon and lunar eclipse that will happen the evening of Sunday, September 27, 2015 will stream online, Fox59 reported. The event will air on NASA TV , allowing those who live in a place that falls under cloud cover or is not part of the viewing area to see the blood moon and lunar eclipse.
Starting at 8 p.m. ET, Sunday’s blood moon eclipse will broadcast from the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, showing a live feed from the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles that will remain active until 11:30 p.m. ET. Viewers can also log into Twitter and ask a NASA solar physicist questions about the blood moon and lunar eclipse using the hashtag #AskNASA, or share photos of the event to NASA’s Facebook page.
Get your camera & snap a pic of tonight’s #SuperBloodMoon , then share with us on @Facebook :
— NASA (@NASA) September 27, 2015
Many of those who live in parts of North and South America, as well as Europe, Africa, West Asia, and the eastern Pacific, will be able to view the eclipse simply by walking outside and looking up. While the total lunar eclipse will last for about one hour and 12 minutes, reaching its peak around 10 p.m. ET in the United States, a partial lunar eclipse will begin around 8 p.m. ET as the Earth’s shadow dims the super blood moon. In most of Europe, the eclipse will begin just before dawn Monday, September 28, 2015.
This marks the first time since 1982 that the total lunar eclipse and blood moon have coincided, and it won’t happen again until 2033, the Daily Mail reported. A supermoon is created when a full or new moon makes its closest passage to Earth, making it appear larger and brighter. According to NASA planetary scientist Noah Petro, who has been studying the moon since 2009, it is always undergoing changes.
“The moon is a dynamic place,” Petro told the Daily Mail .
“We’re seeing changes on the surface of the moon. We’re seeing that it’s not this static, dead body in the sky.”
Sunday’s super blood moon will appear larger and brighter than usual and will have a red tint. The eclipse marks the end of a tetrad, which is a series of four lunar eclipses that take place six months apart. The first occurred in April of 2014, and the next total lunar eclipse will happen in 2018.
[Photo by David McNew / Stringer / Getty Images]