Baby Doe has finally been identified. According to WCVB, police in Massachusetts believe that the body of a young girl is that of a 5-year-old who lived in Boston. Police have been referring to the child as “ Baby Doe ” and have been asking for the public’s help in figuring out who she was. The report indicates that the medical examiner is still running tests, which is the main reason why the child’s name has not yet been released.
A cause of death has still not been determined, but that information will likely be released soon.
“This story is really going to hinge on who this child is and what her history was, who her family is and where she came from. Then we are going to open the door to many investigative means,” said retired Massachusetts State Police Col. Timothy Alben.
Mr. Alben led the case for several weeks.
Baby Doe’s body was found washed up on Deer Island on June 25. Police had “hundreds of leads” since putting out a computer-generated image of the youngster (above), but it has taken several weeks to narrow down information and to get a serious break in this case.
Police say that they know the child lived in Boston because of “pollen samples” taken from the trash bag that the girl’s remains were found in.
According to My Fox Boston , police have already issued a search warrant in connection with the case.
“A source tells FOX25 that a search warrant was executed in Mattapan in connection with the ‘Baby Doe’ case on Thursday night. The source added police now believe they have enough evidence to identify ‘Baby Doe.’ An additional source tells FOX25 that interviews are still being conducted in relation to the case.”
It is unclear if the warrant is for the parents of the little girl, or if the warrant is for anyone related to her. So far, no arrests have been made.
As previously reported by the Inquisitr , police had previously asked anyone with any information about Baby Doe to contact the Suffolk County State Police Detective Unit at (617) 727-8817.
Members of the community came together and held a funeral for Baby Doe a few weeks ago. The toddler was mourned in Boston, and her services were paid for by Massachusetts Water Resources Authority workers. It is unknown if any further services will be held.
[Photo courtesy of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children ]