Netflix is struggling with some serious issues this week, confirming a full-on “shipping and distribution outage” to CNBC’s Jim Goldman .
The online movie service shipped no DVDs Tuesday or today and shipped only a few Wednesday, the company has revealed. Worse, though, a spokesperson indicated that engineers have no idea what’s causing the problem or what they need to do to resolve it.
“Our engineers continue to work around the clock to restore normal operations,” a blog posting from today says. “We’re as frustrated about this as you are.”
Subscribers, needless to say, aren’t happy. The company’s blog is building up a rapidly increasing queue of scathing comments .
“It has been over a week since I was notified of anything and no information makes me angry. Funny, you are never late taking payments,” one user wrote anonymously.
“The reps on the phone are rude,” another comment reads.
Netflix representatives say they are e-mailing apologies to all affected users. Many of the posters on the message boards, however, say they have not received such messages.
The site’s streaming-based services do not appear to be affected.
You may remember that Netflix suffered problems with its web site this past March , when an extended period of downtime delayed its DVD shipping. The site also had issues last year with an 18-hour outage. This one, though, is described as by far the worst the company has ever seen.