Kim Davis, the Rowan County clerk in Kentucky, is standing strong in her views to not issue marriage licenses to gay couples. Well, the 49-year-old is getting backlash from across the country and the world in so many different ways. Now, a Twitter account has been created to pose as her staffer, featured with Kim Davis in many pictures, and it is quite hilarious.
After the media decided to confront Kim Davis in the county clerk office, pictures were taken that show a staffer sitting right next to her. The staffer has a defiant look on her face and often just sits there in silence, but she is silent no more.
Well, she may be silent, but the mock Twitter account called “Sitnexto Kim Davis” isn’t silent and details what her thoughts may be during a work day. Even just the account description is hilarious.
“I sit next to Kim Davis. This was supposed to just be a chill job. Go****n it, Kim.”
Be warned that there is a lot of strong language on the Twitter account, but not many seem to mind that. In just 18 hours since it was created, it already has close to 3,000 followers.
We just told #KimDavis that @ActuallyNPH is gay. She’s crying in her office. We also told her he’s married to @thefredsavage . LOL
— Sitnexto Kim Davis (@nexttokimdavis) September 2, 2015
The Washington Post pointed out that Davis’ mother had been the county clerk for 40 years before her, and for 26 of those years, Davis worked under her as a deputy. The Sitnexto Kim Davis Twitter account had something to say to that as well.
Kim Davis has been defiant in not wanting to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, and it has really gotten her a lot of unwanted attention. She now faces official misconduct charges and a hearing to determine if she is actually in contempt of court.
Even with those serious charges pending against her, the mock Twitter account for her staffer is continuing to post the thoughts of “Sitnexto Kim Davis” or @nexttokimdavis.
— Sitnexto Kim Davis (@nexttokimdavis) September 2, 2015
Kim Davis is truly facing the wrath of many in Kentucky, in the country, around the world, and of course, on the internet. Refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples has caused her a lot of bother and possible criminal charges, but Sitnexto Kim Davis is going to continue getting some fun out of it.
[Photo by Ty Wright/Getty Images]