Officials in Iran over the last month have been attempting to hide the countries oil tankers from international lawmakers by turning off their satellite systems, thereby breaking maritime rules.
According to the Washington Post the move is meant to hide the massive ships as they sail around the world attempting to find a country willing to buy their oil during a time when various economic sanctions have been placed against the country by the United States and its allies.
While Western surveillance can typically find the ships without their GPS enabled the tankers continue to sail the world’s oceans in an almost amusing attempt to find a home.
Iran has managed to approach several countries with its shipments, however the country has not been able to receive Eruope-based maritime insurance and the top ship registrars are refusing to certify Iranian oil tankers which has therefore barred the oil tanks from access to most ports.
Even strong Iranian oil supporters including Japan, India and South Korea have begun to cut back on the amount of oil they are accepting from the country.
According to a US treasury official:
“The value of their [Iran’s] currency, the rial, has dropped like a rock.”
The United States in the meantime hopes that a plummeting Iranian currency will force the country to cut back on its nuclear program in order to have some financial sanctions lifted against the region.
Do you think US sanctions against Iran are producing the type of results officials were hoping for?