Bella Thorne stepped out with her new and much older boyfriend, Gregg Sulkin, at the Teen Choice Awards on Sunday night (August 16). The media has called their relationship “cute” and “sweet,” but the fans have slammed it due to the obvious age difference between the two actors.
The 17-year-old Bella Thorne began dating the 23-year-old Gregg Sulkin earlier this summer , according to a previous report via People magazine. The couple made their relationship public by attending the 2015 Teen Choice Awards together. Sulkin and Thorne decided to take their relationship to the next level after being friends for six years.
Gregg was photographed giving a kiss on Bella’s cheek at the awards show. The actress was also honored at the awards show that night. Bella picked up an award for choice movie villain. An insider told People that Bella and Gregg were friends before becoming romantic.
“They have known each other for years and spend a lot of time together. They treat each other with a great deal of respect and are really enjoying each other’s company.”
Bella Thorne and Gregg Sulkin’s relationship has Refinery29 wondering why fans are embracing this new “ underage relationship ,” but are quick to slam Kylie Jenner and Tyga’s relationship. It seems like both fans and the media have changed its tune when talking about Thorne and Sulkin’s relationship, but calling the couple “happy” and “in love.”
Ah, young love! Get the scoop on Bella Thorne and Gregg Sulkin’s relationship
— People magazine (@people) August 19, 2015
Bella Thorne And Gregg Sulkin — She’s Underage, He’s Not, They’re Dating and it’s Cool
— TMZ (@TMZ) August 19, 2015
For example, the Daily Mail has referred to Kylie Jenner and Tyga’s relationship as “controversial” and “underage.” The Daily Mail also noted that Bella Thorne and Gregg Sulkin “couldn’t have looked happier” at the TCAs. It looks like the same folks at the Daily Mail forgot that Bella and Gregg are around the same age as Kylie and Tyga.
The Daily Mail has since published countless reports about Bella Thorne and Gregg Sulkin’s relationship. One caption reads: “The Young Girl’s Age: Despite the six-year age gap, Bella’s relationship hasn’t seemed to raise as many eyebrows as certain other celebs her age with older boyfriends.”
Meanwhile, Sulkin and Thorne’s couple photos on Instagram are labeled “cute” and “adorable,” while Tyga gets constantly called a “pervert” on his Instagram, day after day.
While Kylie Jenner and Tyga are now able to date legally, Bella Thorne and Gregg Sulkin aren’t. Both the media and fans should judge all illegal or underage relationships the same way.
As previously reported via the Inquisitr , Bella was slammed by fans on Twitter for shading Felix Kjellberg’s (aka PewDiePie) name while presenting the award for Male Choice Web Star.
Thorne said: “Felix something, something, something, you know what? Be here if you want to hear the rest of your name.”
PewDiePie’s fans weren’t too happy about the diss. They took to Twitter to compare her net worth and social media following to the YouTube personality. Meanwhile, Bella took to Twitter to explain that the slam was part of the script! It sounds like fans didn’t get that it was just a joke!
Thorne tweeted : “I knew how to say his name It was part of his script. A joke. I didn’t write it. Calm down. Nothing but love for @pewdiepie.”
What are your thoughts on Bella Thorne and Gregg Sulkin’s relationship? Do you think they should receive the same criticism that Kylie Jenner and Tyga receive on a daily basis? Share your thoughts below in the comments section.
[Image: Jason Merritt / Getty Images]