Remember when an amateur YouTube act had me longing for the days of Rebecca Black ? Looks like I got what I was asking for – the young songstress is back with a new single called “Sing It”.
Black had a nice sit-down with Kristina Guerrero of E! to talk about her new song and her fame/fallout/whatever after the release of her notorious viral debut “Friday”. On the fame and support she has received, Black said, “It’s totally weird to me. Two years ago, I was dreaming. I wouldn’t even dare to dream of something like this…it’s weird, but great!”
“Friday” introduced the world to Rebecca Black, and vise versa in a lot of ways. “Friday” was pretty silly, but there’s just something about the upbeat and positive Black that makes it hard not to like her and go easy on her for simply pursuing her dreams. She has gotten the attention and support of high-profile celebrities including Jonas Brothers, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga. “[Having] someone I’ve looked up to singing my song and letting me be in her video is unimaginable. I’m so thankful she even knows my name,” said the humble Black of Katy Perry.
Sure Miley Cyrus isn’t a fan, but with friends like that, who needs her?
The song, “Sing It” has a slightly more mature and less-nasally sounding Black. Unless it’s been seriously tampered with by a producer, the girl proves she’s got some pipes, at least ones that’ll satisfy the pop-niche she’s going for.
I made fun of “Friday” just like almost everyone I know, but I have to say – Black has me rooting for her now for some reason. If Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber can make a killing at this, isn’t there room for Rebecca Black as well?
The music video and the E! interview can be found here . Otherwise, here’s the YouTube version so you can listen for yourself.
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