Big Brother 17 spoilers now have a name for the next houseguest going home. In Week 6, the BB17 houseguest walking out the door will be Clay Honeycutt. A report from fan site Big Brother Network confirms that Clay has asked the other houseguests to vote him out. It’s an attempt to keep Shelli Poole (his showmance partner) in the house, and it seems like a plan that could work out just fine. Though Clay would rather have stayed a week longer so that he could join Shelli in the jury house, it just wasn’t meant to be this season.
As previously reported by the Inquisitr , James Huling won the Week 6 Head of Household competition. According to additional Big Brother 17 spoilers, James then nominated Clay and Shelli for eviction, deciding that they couldn’t be trusted after the showmance participants worked to get Jason Roy out in Week 5. Though they had help in that eviction, James felt that it was time to break them up. It increased the important for everyone playing in the Veto, but James ended up winning that, as well. Now, he controls all the power in the BB17 house.
It’s an interesting game move that Clay has decided to sacrifice himself like this, and maybe he started to figure out that the house was about to vote out Shelli. That could certainly still take place, but if Clay is willing to just walk out the door, it makes the vote easier for the people who have just “floated” through the game so far. It could lead to a unanimous vote, with nobody wanting to be seen as voting against the house at this point. This would make Clay the last evicted houseguest before the jury starts to get formed.
A lot has happened in the BB17 house since the Thursday night episode (July 30) ended. Every few hours, new Big Brother 17 spoilers come out, especially with all the maneuvering that has taken place over the past few days. If Clay Honeycutt really is about to fall on his own sword (pun intended, based on Veto competition), then it makes the eviction ceremony much less stressful for HOH James Huling. What happens next week could be a completely different story.
Now that many of the alliances in the house have been damaged by the Jason Roy eviction and now by the Clay Honeycutt eviction, Week 7 in the house is going to be very exciting. The “Sixth Sense” alliance will have to figure out a way to re-group before it’s too late, and quite a few houseguests know they will become targets if they don’t win the next HOH competition. The pressure is on leading up to that, with the potential of more fireworks going off in the house before the Thursday eviction episode (Aug. 6). For now, the current Big Brother 17 spoilers have given live feed viewers more than enough to enjoy for the week.
[Image Source: CBS Big Brother Press Kit]