College students, both present and future, it is time to pay attention to some good advice, at least according to The Daily Beast . Are you ready to see the 13 most worthless college majors?
If you are in college for the sole aspect of landing a job that pays, it is best to avoid majors like fine arts, philosophy, and journalism. Why? According to The Daily Beast, these three lead to underemployment, based on a study done at Georgetown University about recent college grads.
The study took data for two years about recent grads and the jobs they found after college. Interested in the list for their picks of most useless or worthless college majors? Here are the top nine:
1. Fine arts 2. Drama and theater arts 3. Commercial art, graphic design 4. Architecture 5. Philosophy, religious studies 6. English literature and language 7. Journalism 8. Anthropology, archaeology 9. Hospitality management
The Daily Beast based their findings on multiple factors, including: recent graduate employment, experienced graduate employment, recent graduate earnings, experienced graduate earnings, and projected growth in total number of jobs, 2010–2020.
For example, the fine arts category, which is ranked number one on the list, breaks down as follows:
“Unemployment, recent grad: 12.6 percent Unemployment, experienced grad: 7.3 percent Earnings, recent grad: $30,000 Earnings, experienced grad: $45,000 Projected growth, 2010–2020: +5 percent Related occupation: Craft and fine artist”
The commercial art and graphic design majors should also worry, as their major, which is not usually thought of as “worthless,” has also made the list. Its breakdown is below:
“Unemployment, recent grad: 11.8 percent Unemployment, experienced grad: 7.5 percent Earnings, recent grad: $32,000 Earnings, experienced grad: $49,000 Projected growth, 2010–2020: +13 percent Related occupation: Graphic designer”
Even hospitality manager has made the list as a worthless major, which is somewhat understandable, although management experience is useful in other professions, other than the one this major is intended for.
With all of these majors being listed as “most worthless,” will college students be changing their majors? Somehow I doubt it. Coming from an English major (see number 7 on the list), my advice to college students is to major and work in a field you love. Who knows, maybe you will break the mold.
Check out The Daily Beast’s previous top 5 worthless college majors here:
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