Drake’s ‘Energy’ Video: You Can’t Watch It On YouTube – ITunes Apple Music 3-Month Free Trial Required [Photos]
Those folks who’ve heard all the hubbub over Drake’s new “Energy” video likely quickly went to iTunes’ Apple Music page to try and get a gander at the two-minute, 57-second long video wherein Drake is made-up to look like everyone from Oprah, LeBron James, and Justin Bieber. However, that’s when Drake’s “Energy” video doesn’t look like it plays correctly, or doesn’t show the full video and viewers may try to adjust their browsers to watch “Energy” for themselves. It won’t work, however, until users start their 3-month free trial to join the others who’ve seen Drake in “Energy,” talking about his many enemies that drain his energy.
Drake’s “Energy” music video proves he’s pledging his allegiance to Apple Music in a big way, reports the Los Angeles Times.
Indeed, a search for Drake’s “Energy” video on YouTube for users who don’t want to deal with the Apple Music three-month trial only turns up nefarious looking results. The YouTube videos may have a thumbnail photo of Drake’s “Energy” video and black and white images, but further inspection shows they are enticing others to click on wary-looking links.
In the meantime, Drake can be seen on the $100 bill in his “Energy” video, and dressed up as plenty other folks.
There’s Drake as Floyd “Money” Mayweather, sitting in bed with his “Mayweather Boxing Club” snapback and gold phone with a glass of liquor bedside.
Drake also appears as Justin Bieber in “Energy,” stuffing his Calvin Klein boxer shorts in the front.
Drake even takes on a beautiful blue-eyed Miley Cyrus with a hammer type of object in “Energy,” replicating Miley’s “Wrecking Ball” video and proving Drake is a pretty darned female.
Drake even appears as unrecognizable people in “Energy.”
Of course Drake had to take on Kanye West’s role atop a motorcycle with a buxom beauty in “Energy,” and even dresses up as an older Caucasian woman and man.
Drake reenacts O. J. Simpson’s famous white Ford Bronco chase in “Energy,” with a long line of cops chasing him.
Drake even dons the No. 23 in “Energy” and raises his fist high in the sky as he leads his Cleveland Cavalier team as LeBron James.
Overall, Drake’s “Energy” video is campy fun and obviously required plenty of time in the make-up chair for Drake. The last time Drake was buzzed about was when his “Can I” song leaked early, as reported by the Inquisitr. “Energy” will likely get plenty more attention.
[Image via “Energy” video]