A South Korean advert that sells Oreo biscuits with a picture of a baby breastfeeding has leaked to the public, provoking an outcry.
The ad shows a mother’s breast (the nipple is partially exposed), and Oreo’s slogan – ‘Milk’s Favorite Cookie’ – at the bottom. I’m guessing the pun is fully intended.
Food giant Kraft, owner of Nabisco (the firm which produces Oreos), has swiftly moved into damage limitation mode, with a representative assuring ABC News that Kraft had no part in creating the advert.
The spokesperson also denied that the ad had run in South Korea or any other country. The ad has been attributed to Cheil Worldwide, an independent advertising agency.
Our man at Kraft told ABC:
“Our understanding is that they created it for use at an isolated advertising awards forum in Korea,” the official said. “It was never intended for consumer advertising or public distribution.”
The full ad is below, so let us know what you make of it – Funny? Nothing to be fussed about? Outrageously shocking ?