Chris Christie announced his presidential bid for 2016.
If you opened your smart phone, tablet, or computer you’ll see a headline similar to that. It’s a headline that’s not unlike other candidates in the Republican party that have decided to announce their GOP candidacy.
While Donald Trump and Ted Cruz went through the ringer with various reactions from potential voters, Governor Chris Christie has already seen something far worse following the hours since he announced his candidacy — fat shaming.
Across social media the Governor of New Jersey has experienced many jokes about his overweight appearance, and most are tying it to whether or not he has enough merit to run for President of the Unites States.
What sets Chris Christie from Ted Cruz and Rand Paul is that he’s been gearing up to announce his presidency since he became a complete rockstar after handling Hurricane Sandy. Simply put — he’s accessible. Not only did he become a visible face, but he became somewhat of a national celebrity, while working the talk show circuit following Hurricane Sandy. That said, he’s also had many public outbursts with critics, which gives voters enough material to play with. So much in fact that North decided to compile a list of outbursts from the Presidential hopeful.
Refreshingly, he has turned out to be someone that can take a joke about his appearance, and even cracked jokes about his own weight. That said, are these reactions going too far? You decide.
heartwarming that Chris Christie is announcing his bid for Bully-In-Chief from his high school, where he first learned to bully <3
— Erin Gloria Ryan (@morninggloria) June 30, 2015
@morninggloria “Governor! Governor! Were you more of a wedgie man or a swirly guy?”
— Greg Krieg (@GregJKrieg) June 30, 2015
For the first time in 30 years, Chris Christie announced he will be running.
— Guy Endore-Kaiser (@GuyEndoreKaiser) June 30, 2015
@GuyEndoreKaiser ice cream truck?
— Cliff Dressler (@CliffDressler) June 30, 2015
Chris Christie is running a food truck for president. #Christie2016
— Curt-Curt (@SelectiveSavage) June 30, 2015
I heard Chris Christie is gonna make a brisk walk for President #Christie2016
— Ken McGraw Jr. (@KenMcGrawJr) June 30, 2015
@LibAmericaOrg Repub clown car now becomes a bus with heavy duty springs #Christie2016
— Jim Thomas (@jt350) June 30, 2015
“Mommy, why is the fat man yelling at us?” “He’s hungry, dear.” #enterthefatman #Christie2016
— Mel Rook (@Mel_Rook) June 30, 2015
With Chris Christie making his announcement, all I can think of is Chris Farley singing “Fat Guy in a Little Coat” #Christie2016
— John Danneskjold (@JohnDanneskjold) June 30, 2015
What do you think about the reactions in response to Chris Christie’s bid for presidency?
[Photo by Kena Betancur / Getty Images]