A Texas woman has become the laughing stock of the internet and an example of bizarre curiosity after she allegedly hoaxed a hate crime that allegedly took place in her hometown of Texarkana. The Grio reports that she made an incredibly controversial post on her public Facebook page, which has garnered a huge amount of backlash on social media. The post, which has since been removed, was even acknowledged by the Texarkana Police Department at one point.
Ashley Casey Martin reportedly posted photos of herself with what appeared to be injuries — or at least what she thought appeared to be injuries. What she posted with the photos led to her post going viral.
“Just got jumped by 3 African Americans ourside [sic] of the as Walmart they are in a white ford 150 extended cab. Arkansas tags. They hit me inside Walmart and were cussing. I was very polite and asked them to lower their voices and the cuss words in front of my 3 year old daughter and this is the outcome. What has the world come to…”
It’s a crazy story, right? And it’s one that’s been heard before in mainstream media reports. However, in Ashley Casey Martin’s case, the allegations appeared to be nothing more than hot air. The photos depicting blackened eyes and other facial injuries were quickly called out for being fake.
Yes, Ashley Casey Martin’s raccoon eyes and bald lies are hysterically bad, but SHE IS TRYING TO INCITE RACIAL VIOLENCE.
— Imperator M (@TrancewithMe) June 22, 2015
@wrkhrdplyhrd247 I guess she’s a lucky lady, has apparently never seen an actual “black eye” in real life. Sad trying to do this.
— Barbara Seiders (@eigenseide) June 22, 2015
In other words, Ashley Casey Martin is now being accused of using makeup to falsify injuries on her face. In fact, the use of makeup (in particular, black eyeliner and shadow) appears to be more than a little obvious. In fact, it looks similar to the eye makeup used by at least one member of the band The Misfits . Are they her inspiration for this harebrained hoax?
Gawker writer Jay Hathaway reports that Texarkana Police have offered a brief statement on this incident, revealing that the Texas woman is “emotionally disturbed.”
“We were informed that she is emotionally disturbed and that they are attempting to get her the assistance that she needs. We have removed the post to avoid contributing to her difficult struggle.”
Police also acknowledged that the incident appeared to be a hoax, and people representing Walmart in Texarkana say that no proof of any such incident took place in their store on the night in question. The Texas woman isn’t backing down, however, and still insists that she was attacked by three black men in an apparent hate crime.
[Photo: Facebook via The Grio ]