President Obama stepped away from his political message during his weekly address this week in order to focus on the holidays of Passover and Easter. Obama wished the country a happy Easter, saying that he hoped the weekend is “filled with joy and reflection, focused on the things that matter most.”
Obama said:
“For me, and for countless other Christians, Easter weekend is a time to reflect and rejoice…. These holidays have their roots in miracles that took place thousands of years ago. They connect us to our past and give us strength as we face the future. And they remind us of the common thread of humanity that connects us all.”
Obama’s message focused on the Christian meaning of Easter, but he made sure to broaden the message to include people of all faiths. Obama said :
“For all of us, no matter how or whether we believe, can identify with elements of His story. The triumph of hope over despair. Of faith over doubt. The notion that there is something out there that is bigger than ourselves. These beliefs help unite Americans of all faiths and backgrounds,” he said. “They shape our values and guide our work. They put our lives in perspective.”
President Obama and the First Family will invite 35,000 people to the White House this year for the 134th annual Easter Egg Roll.
Do you celebrate Easter? What did you think of President Obama’s messaage?