While The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt successfully launched earlier this month, the Poland-based developer doesn’t plan on moving away from their recently released title anytime soon. Speaking to Reuters , CD Projekt CEO Adam Kicinski revealed that the studio will remain committed to further improving The Witcher 3 over the course of the next two years.
During that time, fans of The Witcher 3 can expect to see continued releases of free updates and DLC alongside several paid expansions. Kicinski stated that CD Projekt plans to support The Witcher 3 for quite some time before the studio fully shifts over to work on their next project, Cyberpunk 2077 .
“We hope and we are certain that Cyberpunk has even bigger commercial potential. It is too early to talk about it, though. This year, and the next one will be the years of The Witcher. “
The Polish team has already begun to give gamers some idea of the level of support they plan to provide for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt after releasing several title updates and multiple free DLC add-ons since the game first released just last week. In fact, a Polygon report revealed that two more free DLC packs for The Witcher 3 were just released that added additional quests as well as an optional new outfit for the game’s leading sorceress, Yennefer.
This week’s new DLC releases were released alongside a new title update. As the Inquisitr previously reported , this new patch brings The Witcher 3 up to version 1.03 on current-gen consoles. However, both the Xbox One and Playstation 4 editions of the game are now behind the PC version of The Witcher 3, which is currently live with Update 1.04.
Reuters also revealed that The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt had already sold more than 1.5 million copies before the game had even launched, putting the series’ final entry in a position to easily outperform the first two installments of the franchise CD Projekt’s Kicinski stated that he feels that The Witcher 3 will change the developer is perceived.
“Sales of the third part will be many times higher than with our earlier games. Preorders indicate this. We broke into the mainstream. It is such a moment in our firm’s history that after some years people will look differently at CD Projekt before and after this release.”
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available now on Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC. If you haven’t yet picked up the new dark fantasy title, will the developer’s commitment to continue to support the game make you more likely to purchase the The Witcher 3 in the future?
[Images via The Witcher 3 ]