If Rick Santorum becomes the next President of the United States it’s likely our 1st amendment rights will be one of the first attack points for the presidential hopeful.
Santorum announced on Friday that he would end the distribution of all pornography in the United States if he were selected to be the Commander in Chief.
On his website Santorum writes:
“America is suffering a pandemic of harm from pornography … Pornography is toxic to marriages and relationships. It contributes to misogyny and violence against women. It is a contributing factor to prostitution and sex trafficking.”
Santorum goes on to state:
“As a parent, I am concerned about the widespread distribution of illegal obscene pornography and its profound effects on our culture.”
The GOP presidential content claims that the Obama administration has turned a “blind eye … to the scourge of ponrography.”
He goes on to reveal:
“If elected President, I will appoint an Attorney General who will do so … While the Obama Department of Justice seems to favor pornographers over children and families, that will change under a Santorum Administration.”
You might recall that a similar battle cry was heard in July by Michele Bachmann who promised to amend the constitution to take away the rights of pornographers. Bachmann wanted to tie that bill into a ban on same-sex marriage.
While an all out government attack against pornography could ultimately make it harder to film pornographic movies the Supreme Court has historically backed the industry’s rights to film based on 1st Amendment rights. Even when the Child Online Protection Act, or COPA (1998) was used in the 2004 case of ACLU v. Gonzales the Supreme Court ruled in favor of 1st Amendment protections.
In the meantime Santorum could find it hard to enact any policies given his ability to alienate a large part of the female population in the United States. In one case he condemned “radical” women for choosing to work outside the home during a time when two working parent family’s are needed to simply pay the bills. Santorum has also went after women who use birth control while insulting Puerto Rican’s by demanding they speak English as their first language in order to gain statehood.
Are you growing tired of Rick Santorum’s attacks against everyone who doesn’t believe in the same things he believes in?