As each generation of humanity comes and goes, there seems to be only one constant: the generation before always blames the generation after for the current problems happening in their country, or in their world. For this generation, it is the Baby Boomers blaming the Millennials. To help drive such a point, The Inquisitr reported on the latest on what the former thinks on the latter. Apparently, Millennials are thought of as the “ most selfish generation ” who don’t care what they are doing to their Baby Boomer parents. They also chastise Millennials for hardly having any money , yet avoid the fact that income has exponentially decreased. Overall, Baby Boomers simply believe Millennials are useless .
The aforementioned news is quite a sting for Millennials but it appears that Baby Boomers are going to continue kicking them even while they’re down. Recent analyses and arguments add another failure for Millennials: the inability to be in love. That’s right! Apparently, people born between 1980 and 2000 are really bad in romantic relationships!
The theory on Millennials’ inability to love was hypothesized by people recognized as “Millennial Experts.” During their panel at the Aspen Ideas Festival, they centered their topic on such, centering on what they called the “decline of college dating.” Apparently, three causes were identified for the decline. The first are Millennials’ concentration on career over relationships. The second is casual dating and hooking up. The third is their inability to understand and cultivate love on their parents.
Though the intentions of the “Millennial Experts” were honest, their views were easily argued against by Kara Brown, a writer for Jezebel . Brown provided plausible counter-arguments to the three causes the “Millennial Experts” have given, citing research to back her words up. Yet, the best counter-argument Kara Brown provided is the fact the “Millennial Experts” are not Millennials themselves. Ergo, they are an example of researchers on the “outside looking in.”
If the theory that Millennials are losing the ability to love were to be given validity, it would have to be accepted and explained by one who is part of the Millennial Generation. That eventually happened when Paul Hudson wrote an investigative opinion piece for Elite Daily. Being a Millennial himself (which can only be assumed by his article), Hudson provides ten reasons on why his generation lacks the ability to love.
- Millennials care about instant gratification more than anything else.
- Millennials are built on a drug and booze culture.
- Millennials sleep around – a lot.
- Millennials are becoming more egocentric.
- Millennials date for the sake of dating.
- Millennials are not fans of making compromises.
- Millennials believe in fairy tale endings.
- Millennials believe perfection is attainable.
- Millennials are goal driven, but forget to include their partners.
- Millennials are really bad at loving.
It should be noted some of the reasons are similar to the causes provided by the “Millennial Experts.” Why Paul Hudson’s reasoning has more authority is the fact he is a part of the Millennial generation himself, experiencing its lifestyle. As for the other reasons, Hudson does provide an explanation for them too (especially the tenth one).
Though some reasons by Paul Hudson are right on the money, there are others that may be debatable as shown in the comments section of his article. Yet, all of them are evidently plausible. However, the question that truly needs to be asked is if the reasons are plausible enough to validate the theory Millennials are losing the ability to fall in love. Millennials may find that the answer isn’t a general for their generation, but personal for each individual.
[Featured Image via Shutterstock, Post Image via Jezebel ]